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Circumstances more than age

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I'm from the UK and I recently met a girl who has just turned 18. There are no problems with the law but she is still finishing high school and her parents want her to go to university. Ignoring the question of whether I really like her or not, which is another thing for me to decide, I'm not sure whether I should continue seeing her as even though I'm only 21, I'm wanting a serious relationship. She says she wants the same thing, but at 18 and the fact she hasn't left school and experienced the working world yet, I don't want her to make a mistake.

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Hi there,


I am from the UK, and I am sort of in the situation you describe.


The first and probably the biggest thing is COMMUNICATE about everything and anything. Large or small is does not matter.


The second thing I will say is that DON'T hold her back, give her the space and time she will need adapt to her changing environments.


The third thing is give her as much love, attention and affection as she needs and that you can give. But DON'T over do it.


She will go through changes as will you, just Be there to support and help as and when she needs it.


I know it's not always possible but be prepared to accept the worst. It may never come to that but just in-case.


If you want to talk about it further email me.

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Thanks, that's all good advice. I'm a very expressive person and am often overly-communicative, so I always plan to be open with her as you say.


I only met her very recently and to be honest I've been quite hasty recently to find a girlfriend, so I have yet to work out whether I like her enough to enter into a serious relationship with her.


I've always lived my life like someone much older than myself (probably why my last girlfriend was 28) so I'll have to see how things pan out with this girl.


How is your situation similar? Thanks again for your post.

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