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My friend is a very attractive 21 year old female, and during our last semester in school she started having a relationship with a 38 year old bus driver who drives the buses on campus. He was married and she is in a four year relationship. She never told her boyfriend that she saw the bus driver every day and she would talk to him when he was off his shifts and on the bus. They never saw each other outside of the bus but he would call her "honey" "sweetie" and called her beautiful. He would listen to her problems for hours. She would really look forward to seeing him everyday.


When she told me on the last day of classes before Winter Break that he had asked for her phone number, she was really excited and hoped that he would text her. She also showed me a picture they had taken together on the bus, with their faces really close together. I told her it was wrong of him to ask for her phone number considering he is married and she had a boyfriend but she didn't seem to listen and constantly talked about how she wanted to have sex with him and wondered how big he was.


So I took action and called the bus service on campus. I anonymously spoke to his supervisor and asked that he be moved to a different route or to have a talk about being too close to students. My friend didn't see him this quarter and went through all kinds of trouble to find out why. It turns out he was fired. I feel horrible. I didn't want to have him fired but I didn't want to see the relationship continue out of respect for his wife and her boyfriend who had no idea. I'm really upset and I don't know whether I should tell her I told or not. Help!

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Don't feel bad. I've been in management for years, and I really doubt what you did would cause him to be fired.


Your anonymous report may have been included in a dossier of other issues they were having with the bus driver. But your report alone wouldn't be damaging. We're not talking about a child here. Being 21, your friend is an adult. They didn't have sex (thank god), so there's no potential liability for his employer from that direction. Maybe he went to work consistently late. Maybe he was caught with alcohol while on duty. More than likely, he talked too much (to your friend and maybe others) and didn't complete his tasks.


He was fired, and you had little, if anything, to do with it.

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Thank you, I really appreciate that. I really hope that he's found a job since it happened but it just didn't seem right to me that they had that type of relationship. I've known her boyfriend for three years and it was hard not to say anything. Next time I am minding my own business and not getting involved!

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Like oldenough mentioned, I highly doubt one phone call would cause him to be fired... I am in management as well and anyone can just call in, you have to take it with a grain of solt sometimes.


My guess is maybe there was more than one complaint on him or other stuff had surfaced about him.


I don't know if calling his employer was right or not but its already done with and there is no turning back on that one.

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