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Did we break up because he is bisexual?


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I have been dating a man for a month now and last night I was so happy , I went over to his house and he made dinner. Everything was fine , and then he got a call from someone and told me that his friend was coming over. OK, I asked him 'who' his friend was and he got really quiet and weird , ( he usually talks a lot) and then he said ' we've...' then he said nevermind and did not tell me who he friend was.


My mind started racing, and on my own I came to the conclusion that his friend was probably someone who he had slept with..i.e. I flilled in the blanks. "we've "done it"! What else could it be?


Everything got weird and quiet for the rest of the night and although he said he was happy that I was there, I feel like we have sort of broken up now, because I am not going to contact him now, because I feel really really weird that he did not tell me who this 'friend' was. Am I overreacting, who was this friend, what should I do, should I be mad that he wouldn't tell me who his friend was or am I just being insecure. Thanks for your advice.

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I think you are jumping so far ahead it's ridiculous.


We've got some stuff to sort out.

We've been in jail together.

We've been arrangin flowers in our spare time.

We've formed a crime fighting group.


To go from "We've..." to breaking up with the guy because he's obiously bisexual is... were you cheated on by your last partner?

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Oh my god!!! I think I'm bisexual. I was leaving the office yesterday and i was talking to my girlfriend on the phone and she asked me if I was going out with my friend to the bar and I said "we've"... and we got cut off so I couldn't finish my sentence and now I think I'm falling for my buddy. We've must be code for I'm bisexual. I feel terrible now that I know.

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I feel a lot of tension and insecurity, like I am never going to see him again, like he is not going to call me ever again because I acted so aloof and disengaged last night. Like he is going to break up with me, by just not ever calling or contacting me again. To me that would be a break-up without actually 'talking' about breaking up.

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Oh my god!!! I think I'm bisexual. I was leaving the office yesterday and i was talking to my girlfriend on the phone and she asked me if I was going out with my friend to the bar and I said "we've"... and we got cut off so I couldn't finish my sentence and now I think I'm falling for my buddy. We've must be code for I'm bisexual. I feel terrible now that I know.


LOL! Awesome

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This post confuses me.....

Why would you let someone stop mid sentence? Why not ask "We've what babe? What were you about to say?"

Could it have been "We've been friends for a long time" "We've lost touch since you and I started dating"

I'm betting you're pretty young.

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I feel a lot of tension and insecurity, like I am never going to see him again, like he is not going to call me ever again because I acted so aloof and disengaged last night. Like he is going to break up with me, by just not ever calling or contacting me again. To me that would be a break-up without actually 'talking' about breaking up.

All of these are YOUR issues.

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