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Hating life


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So both my shoulders click when I rotate them in a certain way. The left one clicks louder/more than the right one.


When I go to the gym, I can't do shoulder presses or machine flyes because it would cause pain in my left shoulder. (Started going gym 3 weeks ago. Been going 5 days a week)


The problem started about 8 months ago when I started doing push ups at home. My shoulders would get very sore but I would push myself do to the target amount of push ups. I think that's when my shoulders started clicking.


I think the clicking might be coming from the AC joint, and I can see a bump on both shoulders where the AC joint is.




If I'm forced to stop working out, my motivation to live would be destroyed. I've seen significant gains in my body and I don't want to stop.


I don't want to live the rest of my life with a screwed up shoulder.


Hate life.

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(Started going gym 3 weeks ago. Been going 5 days a week)


That itself could be a problem. While I admittedly haven't started a gym routine yet, most articles I've read on the subject strongly encourage people to start slow. Five days a week would be pushing it for even seasoned gym rats. I would suggest investigating this again and seeing what kind of ramp-up plan is recommended for gym newcomers, so you don't unnecessarily put stress on your body that it can't handle.


Outside of that, you seem to be getting a little dramatic without even having a professional opinion yet. Even if your shoulders were knocked out of commission, for example, there would be gym routines you could do to stay in shape. Heck, last weekend I watched a show on TV about young army vets who had been seriously injured. One guy lost both of his arms but there were numerous shots of him working out at the gym. He appeared to be in very good shape.

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I worked out at home for some time before I started going to the gym. 5 days a week is not hard for me at all. I know what I'm doing.


The thing is, I'm not trying to stay in shape. I want to be a bodybuilder...and I can't achieve that if one of my shoulder can't even do shoulder presses.

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Lay off the gym for a bit buddy , you have a shoulder injury , as a fellow gym friend this will only agrevate your injury , it will pass eventually , just rest it & once it's passes which it will , start light weights , don't jump in at the deep end .


May I also recommend stretching before and after a workout

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You need to see a PhysT or doctor. Does it hurt at all? Or is it just sore? Are you drinking tons of water?


If there is no pain and only soreness, that is probably a better sign. It might be dehydration, which would explain the soreness and if the popping became louder. Even though it has happened for a while, people can be dehydrated for a days or months at a time without even knowing it.


Do you use a wide-grip on your presses? If so, try a narrower grip and see if that reduces the soreness. Popping isn't unusual at all and doesn't mean the end of the world. I would still say step 1 is asking your doc.

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Can you not see a professional about this?


Will be making an appointment with my doctor or physio asap.


Lay off the gym for a bit buddy , you have a shoulder injury , as a fellow gym friend this will only agrevate your injury , it will pass eventually , just rest it & once it's passes which it will , start light weights , don't jump in at the deep end .


May I also recommend stretching before and after a workout


What kind of stretching routines are there that I can follow? I have to admit, I don't really stretching pre or post workout.


I'm not doing any exercises that hurts the shoulder, and yeah I know that form > weight.


Take a break and get your health problems seen to immediately.

Since you have a passion in getting seriously buff, it is important that any health issues which impede you getting to your goal gets resolved first.


That's true.


You need to see a PhysT or doctor. Does it hurt at all? Or is it just sore? Are you drinking tons of water?


If there is no pain and only soreness, that is probably a better sign. It might be dehydration, which would explain the soreness and if the popping became louder. Even though it has happened for a while, people can be dehydrated for a days or months at a time without even knowing it.


Do you use a wide-grip on your presses? If so, try a narrower grip and see if that reduces the soreness. Popping isn't unusual at all and doesn't mean the end of the world. I would still say step 1 is asking your doc.


Nope my shoulders aren't sore at all. My left shoulder has a sharp pain when I do dumbbell shoulder presses and also when I try to do flyes on the flye machine. Regular flyes where I lay on a bench doesn't hurt.


I haven't tried barbell shoulder presses so the grip isn't the problem.


I drink plenty of fluids.

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Oh you said you were sore in the original post, so you aren't sore anymore? That is not good, go to the doc.


You can still adjust your grip on the DB presses to keep the weights closer to your body. I'm not a fan of the traditional right angle presses, I tend to bring my elbows in a bit and keep the angle of the DB's at a more comfortable angle. I'm tall too and sort of lanky so my angles are a bit diff. This might help a bit with the pain, but, to re-iterate go to the doc.

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You probably have small tears on your shoulders. Ice it, take tylenol to stop the inflamation also. I took a few months off which helped but once I hit the weights hard again the pain came back. Only thing left is surgery is what the doc told me. No thanks. Like you I have a difficult time doing any kind of shoulder exercises. I've been living with it for several years along with elbow pain, probably the 2 most common injurys from working out. GL

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Okay I got the ultrasound done and went back to the doctor.


Apparently I have some fluids in my bicep tendon (inflammation).


My doctor has prescribed me Naproxen, which I have to take for 2 week. The medication is suppose to get rid of the inflammation but I am very worried about the side effects of this drug.


I searched on the net and possible side effects include:

- increased risk of heart/circulation related problems (stroke, heart attack)

- gastric and duodenal ulcers with bleeding or perforation

- acid dyspeptic disease

- renal failure

- tinnitus

- nausea

- constipation

- asymptomatic elevation of liver transaminase levels

- bruising

- sodium retention


I've taken 2 pills so far and just reading over these possible side effects makes me feel like I'm doing more harm to my body than good.


Hating life.

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Often medication has so many side effects listed, but it is unlikely that many of them will effect you. See how you go with the medication - it might be fine! And if you're worried about the side effects, consult your doctor again.


These things happen. I was a very sporty and active person until I broke my collarbone and a bone in my foot during an accident. My collarbone has healed but clicks when I work out as well, making it hard for me to work out my shoulders. I had to have surgery on the bone in my foot but it has never healed properly and as a result I cannot participate in some of the sports that I used to love. These things happen, and instead of hating life you just have to go with it and find other things that you enjoy.


Good luck with everything!

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Look up shoulder impingement...it's fairly common and I'm surprised it hasn't been brought up yet by anyone or your doctor. You may also want to consider going to an orthopedic surgeon and getting a second opinion, assuming you went to a general practitioner this go around.


Also, you may want to consider adding some rotator cuff strengthening exercises to your work outs. They may save your shoulders in the long run.

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