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Quick question (Guys' and Girls' opinions appreciated)

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I didn't know whether to put this in the "Dating" forum or the "Relationship" forum so I just chose "Dating." But anyways...


My girlfriend and I have been going out for a little over a year (about a year and a month) and we're both 15 (soon to be 16). Anyways, our Homecoming Dance is coming up and we started talking about it last night and she kinda got upset that I hadn't asked her yet. The thing is, I don't like doing things like that over the phone and I hadn't realized Homecoming was only two weeks away and I've had A LOT on my mind lately so I kinda forgot about it.


So here's my question and I'd really appreciate any of your opinions on this matter.


If you and your significant other have been together for a while (and if you were/are still in high school) do you neccisarily have to ask/invite them to a dance or is it kind of implied that you want to go with him/her? Sorry if that doesn't make any sense and Thank You in advance.

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Thanks for letting me know your opinions everyone. I was leaning towards the idea that it's implied but thats just me (and ShroudedSorrow24 and behind_these_eyes). I think I'm gonna ask her Friday.... Well, thank you again everyone. I'm off now since I gotta finish some homework. Chao!

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