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Kissing cousins? Is it ok?


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Hey everyone,


This is something I've always heard mixed opinions on. I'm curious what the truth is.


I've heard that it's technically ok for cousins to date/marry; that there really isn't anything morally/physically wrong with it. (Another saying I've heard: "Second & up, it's ok to f**k." lol, as in second cousin-or-above, it's ok to date/marry/ahem, the word in the saying.) ...but is it true? Or is it actually morally and physically wrong to get together with a cousin? (First, second, or otherwise?)


I've heard that if cousins marry and have a child, the child will be deformed; "have bugged-out eyes." (I don't know if this is true, it's just one of the things I've heard about getting together with a cousin!)


If anyone knows what the truth is (not the many rumors/sayings I've heard) please reply. Thanks!

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There is some increased risk when 2 cousins marry and have children. I wouldn't say that it's HORRIBLY increased but it's definitely more than 2 people who aren't blood related.


I've made out with my cousin. He's older by 4-5 years. It's not something that I talk about. We used to "fondle" each other when we were young and then made out when I was older and went on a "date".


I kid you not. Not something I tell many people. My family doesn't know. Now I haven't seen him in so many years and I'm not in contact. I don't really care. It doesn't matter to me if I ever see him again.


I personally wouldn't do it again.

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If you're asking about morals, I don't think it's MORALLY wrong to get with a cousin.


Then again, I define "morals" by the simple question: DOES THIS HURT SOMEONE?


You boning or marrying your cousin, outside of some possibly family upset (then again, families usually freak at many things), well, it's not hurting anyone, so it's not immoral.


However, societal customs and society's idea of what is "okay" is usually not in line with what is moral. Cheating and having mistresses is more acceptable in our society than marrying your cousin, which I think is just ridiculous. So if you get with a cousin, expect some backlash and possible family strife.

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I think that this is really more a case where there are generations of cousins intermarrying.


I think this is exactly correct.


Interesting...my question doesn't seem to be answered clearly, though. Thanks for responses!


Morally? Up to you, really. Fudgie is right; the question to ask is "does this hurt somebody".


As for legally, the answer is it varies. I looked it up once. In the U.S., cousin marriage is illegal in about half the states. Outside the U.S., it's legal in most of the world, and even encouraged in some cultures. I think it's legal in the U.K., given that Victoria and Albert were first cousins.


Second cousins are legal everywhere.

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kinda gross right? marrying ur cousin. cus when we look back, its ur parents siblings child. so its like marrying something that was related to ur parent. So kinda similiar marryin ur own blood.

i dont think its nessary to marry ur own cosuin, it would be so weird.

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kinda gross right? marrying ur cousin. cus when we look back, its ur parents siblings child. so its like marrying something that was related to ur parent. So kinda similiar marryin ur own blood.

i dont think its nessary to marry ur own cosuin, it would be so weird.


It IS marrying your own blood.


The point is whether or not there is a health risk to any child produced by the cousins, and the ethical implications of the union.

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There is an increased risk to a child that is the produce of two first cousin parents. How much of a risk depends on multiple factors including if anyone one else in the family has married a first cousin, the genetic health of the two parents etc.


Morally: Varies from culture to culture

Genetically: Your child will not come out with two heads, 11 toes, and bat wings just because the parents are cousins but there are risks.

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If it's morally/genetically wrong to get romantically involved with a cousin. (First, second, etc.)


Seems morally, up to the individual. Genetically seems to be blurry, though.


There's no such thing as "genetically wrong" or "genetically right". You're overlaying morality onto genetics. It's like asking if giraffes are right or wrong. It's not a sensical statement. They just "are". Morality/Ethics is the realm of right/wrong.

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It is not something I would ever do, for me personally it is morally wrong. It is legal in Canada to marry for your first cousin. If other people do it , it is their business, I just want no part of it for me.


Genetically, do not marry family members too often. It has been know to create genetic diseases and mental health issues.

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Genetically speaking, it is not like kissing a sibling. You are more genetically similar to a sibling than you are to a cousin, even a first cousin.


I agree it is no where near as close as a sibling genetically. It still does not create a good situation genetically if you intermarry family too many generations in a row.

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That's true, Victoria.


While inbreeding doesn't "create" genetic diseases, it can cause problems when family members intermarry accross several generations. Diseases that would have remained dormant can end up being phenotypically expressed when people of similar genotypes have children together.

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