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Weird coincidences?

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Was married 14 years, left wife 4 years ago. Technically still married since we have never divorced. I have offered several times to pay for a divorce, my wife never seems interested in taking care of it. It is no big deal to me either way as we already had split assets up and I do not plan on marrying again. Prior to leaving, but after we had decided it was over and we would be splitting up I ran into a old friend. He introduced me to his girlfriend at the time. It was several years before my wife and I split up. During this time me and my old friend now ex girlfriend had talked for a while off and on. After I left I contacted his then ex-girlfriend again. We became good friends. The weird part is I realized the last time my friend and I had a major issue, is every time my good friend and I have a major issue and it is very close to not communicate for a while or anymore, my wife pops up in less than 24 hours. Every single time. I realized it earlier this year that was the case, then yesterday had a major fallout, tonight my wife shows up again. Three out of three times this has happened.


What the???

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Nothing that I know of. I was at the store, I heard her call my name. We talked about 10 minutes, just general chit chat, then I told her I had to go. She said she would call me later, and I left. We live pretty close to each other, and do go to the same grocery store, but this is the first time in four years we have run into each other there. The time before this she showed up at my house around 1:30am. The first time she called me wanting me to come over to her house.


Every time it is only general talk. There is no chance I would get back with her, and would be surprised if she would consider doing so herself. It just seems weird every time my wife shows up less than 24 hours after friend and I have a major fallout.

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She showed up at the park again this morning. Had our son with her, had told him I would be going by today (how she knew I do not know), and told him lets go see me. He is 20, I see and talk to him regularly already.


She apologized for something she had done a long time ago, that she would never apologize for and was something I held against her for a long time. She told me something and the way I know her decision process, it told me she was unhappy in her current relationship and it would be over soon.


My son and I went off for a bit, during that time he told me what he was getting her for her birthday. One of the things she wanted, was a picture enlarged and framed... one of our family pictures.


Meanwhile my friend asked the other day was my wife and I seeing each other more often, and how we was getting along. As far as I am concerned, she had no reason to think I had even talked to my wife at all. When I was still with my wife, they were "friends" although I found out later neither like the other, supposedly? My wife was jealous of her before I left, friend has been jealous of my wife since I left. I have no doubt about that.


I have no reason to think they are still communicating, but the timing of some things that happen, comments and questions are so weird I think maybe they are?? Am I being paranoid?

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