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How many of you still check their Facebook (honestly)?

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Gone 2 months without checking it but received a text from him the other day, and instead of replying, I went to check his FB just to see if it had anything to do with the best friend (aka the girl he "cheated" on me with) going somewhere (was hoping dying) but that was too good to be true. Needless to say, FB gave me no insight into what the "crumbs" (text) meant and I knew that but yet I did it.


There's my confession. How else still does this? I'm hoping I'm not the only one here that subconsciously "insists" in setting herself back.


I feel better now that he's rarely on my mind, and it's starting to hurt less and less everyday but FB still seems to be an issue.


Confessions? And how long has it been since the actual breakup? 6-7 months for me.

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Never. Nothing good could ever come from it. Deleted and blocked both her and the new guy, a couple of mutal friends even, a few weeks after the break up.


Early on I made the mistake of using a mutual friends profile to check up on her. It was terrible. Pictures of her and the new guy all over the place. I have learned my lesson. Stay strong people, they don't matter anymore.

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I can say that I have been checking more than i should... however I don't find it to be setting me back at all... I am over 3 months NC and just about 1 week I had checked fb... and my mother has her a a friend so if i wanted to i can have total access to her page, I choose not to though. she knows what she left. and I certainly know what I DID NOT lose out on.

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I still check my ex fb even though I feel I'm finally making progress moving on. For me

Its like I need to know when she's met someone else, I don't want it to come as a surprise. Finding out she was

Looking to date helped me massively and once I confirm she is dating that will be my closure. But I do try not to


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I removed her from my FB. Unfortunately her profile was "open" so I could still snoop around. I only snooped once, and I ended up feeling pretty bad when I saw some guy (who looked like me, had same style, same hair cut, similar picture, same everything) commenting her pictures. That's when I decided to delete my account.

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She told me she didn't ha a FB then right after I moved away I found that she does. I looked a it twice (the night I found it then again the next night) then I stopped cause it caused me too much pain. I found nothing on htere just the fact that she lied about that too was enough. I also kept seeing her name pop up under people I may know so I had a friend (that was not my FB friend look up my profile and the minute he did it suggested that I may know him so I think she has been checking my profile. So I deactivated it. Too much anxiety!!!

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1m50L0nl3y -- Haha, this reminds me of me.


His best friend used to be very different than me (polar opposites), but now she's starting to look like me (she wishes) with things she's changed about herself (from what I can tell on his profile). They've also started to do things he and I used to do together. It hurt me in the beginning, but now it's almost satisfying that he needs my clone in his life. They're not even official (still single) so it all screams REBOUND.


Can totally relate though.

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I did it and then reactivated and it led to me going to her page where (though I de-friended her) I can still see all of her posts and photos. It just made me miss her IMMENSELY. It's almost as bad as seeing her in person. I'm getting a sinking feeling just thinking about it.


Deactivate. It helps.

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1m50L0nl3y -- Haha, this reminds me of me.


His best friend used to be very different than me (polar opposites), but now she's starting to look like me (she wishes) with things she's changed about herself (from what I can tell on his profile). They've also started to do things he and I used to do together. It hurt me in the beginning, but now it's almost satisfying that he needs my clone in his life. They're not even official (still single) so it all screams REBOUND.


Can totally relate though.


LOL! What things has she changed so far?

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my ex blocked me...and i thought pffft no need for that and i was dumbfounded.


well from my ex's POV there was a guy on my profile pic


what the daft apeth didnt realise (which im still dumbfounded as to how he couldnt) was that this guy wasnt a new bf or anything, it was ME in drag....i had some soot on my face and chin from cleaning out my multifuel stove, and it kinda went from there....hood up, thicken up my eyebrows and hey presto 1guyguy


anyways...ive deactivated cos it was jus too tempting every now and then, and also i wanted to be gone from his life totally and i know it really helps with healing when theres no connection at all - even if you dont go on it, its still a link in some way.


besides i get soooo much more done now its gone

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If it leaves you hanging, you can go and cancel your friend request.


Arghhhh, I probably should do that... Not sure I'm ready to cut the cord again yet though lol. Although I'm over the fact that he hasn't accepted, I still wonder if he ever will. I'm not even sure whether I want him to! haha.


Here I go getting complicated again! Cripes I'm pathetic haha

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She changed her haircut, her hair-color (mine is blonde and hers used to be dark brown), wears contacts that match my eye color (hers are dark, mine are lighter so she wears some that look like mine), lost some weight. That's all I could see but it made my day.


Wow that seems too much of a makeover to be simple coincidence, if that happened to me I would be laughing my ass off for the next 10 years. Crazy, crazy, woman!

In my case my ex met the guy in an online dating site, and I was shocked because before she met me she was only into black guys, then I dumped her, and she goes online dating and gets my long lost twin brother..... Too much of a coincidence too.

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Arghhhh, I probably should do that... Not sure I'm ready to cut the cord again yet though lol. Although I'm over the fact that he hasn't accepted, I still wonder if he ever will. I'm not even sure whether I want him to! haha.


Here I go getting complicated again! Cripes I'm pathetic haha



We all become a little pathetic after a breakup. Everything else in my life is well-put together except the situation with my ex. It's like that one flaw on the back of your mind even when everything is going well.

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Wow that seems too much of a makeover to be simple coincidence, if that happened to me I would be laughing my ass off for the next 10 years. Crazy, crazy, woman!

In my case my ex met the guy in an online dating site, and I was shocked because before she met me she was only into black guys, then I dumped her, and she goes online dating and gets my long lost twin brother..... Too much of a coincidence too.


I know, it made my day. It's hilarious how they subconsciously still want us in their life but won't really admit it out of pride or something else.


I always thought this girl wasn't his type and he went totally off with her, but I thought I was just being jealous. Now that my mind is much clearer, it's more like he had GIGS, this girl liked him, tried to get with him, this boosted his ego, and things happened but once I decided to pull out, he realized this other girl maybe wasn't even all that. They're still nothing official, maybe even nothing is going on, and he keeps throwing crumbs around.


Too late for that bull * * * * .

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We all become a little pathetic after a breakup. Everything else in my life is well-put together except the situation with my ex. It's like that one flaw on the back of your mind even when everything is going well.


I was barely even a relationship, it was so short lived lol.

Its the friendship that I'm grieving for most.

ooohhhhhhhhh facebook is EVIL!!!

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In the 10 months or so that we have been officially done I have checked it only once. I've had him deleted and blocked since last November for my own sanity. When I saw him in May my nosiness got the better of me and I snooped and unblocked him for a little while to see what he was up to. No good came of it. Intact everything I did following seeing him was a mistake. Recently I did take a peak at another page he has on a social networking site we are on. He hasn't updated it in a few months though but still looking at it made me feel icky.


At this point I don't ever want to look at his fb again. I have moments of weakness sometimes but I know it's better to just stay away from it.

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