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How Does One Cope With Missing Their Mate?

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Oooh! I've got seven tattoos--I totally appreciate that as an art form!


Steve is actually getting a degree in graphic design and is the most amazing artist I've ever seen (not that I'm biased or anything... ). He does everything from pencil sketching portraits to cartooning and the aforementioned graphical work. Maybe I'll ask him to design a tattoo for me (I've been trying to convince HIM to get one--he's got the total look, and his ears are pierced--a tattoo would be sooo sexy!). Thanks for the idea...


I didn't realize Aaron has a disability (or that there was an age difference). Maybe you should try taking his mom out to lunch one day or something (ergh, next time you're visiting him that is), alone, and try to convince her that you love her son for the right reasons...

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Yeah, Aaron has his ear pierced. And he's got two tattoos right now. He's got the one he designed on his forearm and his astrological sign on his shoulder. It's incredibly sexy!


Aaron has Spina Bifida. And he's eight years older than me. LOL! So now you know. I tried to get together with his mom when I was there, but she kept coming up with excuses- things kept coming up.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Well, I just wanted to pop into this thread to say thanks to some people. I wrote the initial post twenty-two days ago, and if not for the advice I received and the fact that this forum provided me with a lot of late-night entertainment (I've got terrible insomnia and tend to do my best brooding in the middle of the night), I think this month would've been even harder.


And now, here I am, a mere five days from my boyfriend's return from Italy, and I'm feeling great. He's emailed, postcarded (is that a word? no.) and called me several times (including today) and he misses me every bit as much as I miss him. And, as of Monday, this month-long separation will be behind us and the countdown will begin for his next trip here in October.


So thanks, everyone!

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100 days... *sigh* In a way it feels very far away, but luckily I have a lot of benchmarks (like paychecks and holidays) to help me make it through! 100 days and I will be with him! And then we get to spend almost a week in the most magical place on earth! The vacation will be great, but being with him is the real perk.


*sigh* I can't wait.....

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100 days... *sigh* In a way it feels very far away, but luckily I have a lot of benchmarks (like paychecks and holidays) to help me make it through! 100 days and I will be with him! And then we get to spend almost a week in the most magical place on earth! The vacation will be great, but being with him is the real perk.


*sigh* I can't wait.....


Yay, PA!


And don't get me wrong--it's still a month till I SEE my guy (October 16, to be precise), but at least he'll be back from Italy so we can resume our normal lines of communication a million times a day.

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I feel silly. I know that Pittsburgh isn't as far as some people have to deal with. But it's a lot to me. I think my main problem is knowing exactly when I'm going to see him and having to wait through each and every day, LOL! I thought the "not knowing" was more difficult! I think I was wrong!

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I feel silly. I know that Pittsburgh isn't as far as some people have to deal with. But it's a lot to me. I think my main problem is knowing exactly when I'm going to see him and having to wait through each and every day, LOL! I thought the "not knowing" was more difficult! I think I was wrong!


Nah, I still think not knowing is worse. I get tense at the end of every visit with my guy because I'm wondering when the next one will be. But as soon as I can find a new job (it's been so hard!), I know I'll be able to afford to alternate with him--when he's not coming to Boston, I can go to Seattle.


And eventually, we'll be able to live together (something we're planning to set a game-plan for when he's here in a month).


And btw, just got an email--he's heading to the airport tonight at 1am my time (6am Italy time). I could tell by the tone of his email that he's had enough of Italy for another five or six years... lol.



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LOL! I guess I do have it easy. If things go according to plan, we will only have to battle the distance thing for about another year. So keep your fingers crossed for us!


BIG PLUS: I know that he is going to propose. I don't know when or how, but I do know that he will be talking to my dad when he is here in December. I'm trying not to get too excited because I know it may not happen SOON soon... but sooner than I expected!

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LOL! I guess I do have it easy. If things go according to plan, we will only have to battle the distance thing for about another year. So keep your fingers crossed for us!


BIG PLUS: I know that he is going to propose. I don't know when or how, but I do know that he will be talking to my dad when he is here in December. I'm trying not to get too excited because I know it may not happen SOON soon... but sooner than I expected!


WOO HOO! That's great! Hope to hear about it (in IM)!


Steve has said he knows how he wants to propose, and I think we both feel married already--we just want to live in the same state first.


Damn, Seattle for being so far from Boston!

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LOL! So when y'all get married, which state will you live in?! LOL! I would say live in Seattle because it's closer to me, but then in a year I'll be in Pittsburgh, which is closer to Boston! HAHAHA! Okay, okay, don't choose based on me!


LOL! Well, we've talked a lot about it and it will likely be Boston (so closer to Pittsburgh it is!), since I'd like to be near my mom, especially once we have children. But nothing is set in stone, although we're definitely leaning this way! He's willing to relocate here, and it helps that my mom and step-dad adore him and he's already said he considers them family, so I know he'll feel at home here. (Besides, whenever he leaves here he says he feels like his time in Seattle is the trip and that Boston is his home...


(And btw, Pennsylvania is a beautiful state! I've been to Pittsburgh several times, though more often to the Philly area.)


And vicky, I'm SO excited!!! He should be touching down late tonight, so--as we'd discussed--I'll probably here from him tomorrow once his cell phone and internet has been turned back on (both were suspended for the month).





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Hardcore! You gotta read his post in "Love"... it's the one that says "got married today"! It's blowin' my mind, I'm tellin' ya! It's just crazy! People think I'M crazy! Well I'm not as crazy as some! Can you tell I'm just boggled by the whole thing?!


Anyway, I know what you mean about the whole "financially stable" thing. That is one of the things that Aaron has been working at. He has a lot of goals before he's ready to pop the question. It's a process, LOL! Here is what he wants (in order): a better job; his own place- he wants to buy a house right off the bat... he has the money to do it, but he still wants a better job first; get totally financially stable so he knows he can support a wife and family. I would say those are very smart goals. It might take a while, but that's okay with me. I know what he wants, so I'm not worried about that. And the longer it takes, the better my chances of finishing college. Once I'm married, my parents stop paying for school. So this will give me time to work some more and save up my money while going to school.


Anyway, now you know my life story! HAHAHA! Okay, I'm done...

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See, I think that's the right way to do it. As much as we may want it to happen RIGHT away, the mature thing to do is build a solid foundation first, so that when it does happen, it lasts. You and I (and our guys) are doing that...




Anyway, the boy is home! WOO HOO! He called me last night around midnight, when they got in. And now we're IMing, until his cell phone gets turned back on. Woo hoo! Things are finally getting back to normal, and thne next trip he takes will be to see me again!

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