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I'm probably pregnant from ex. Rejected him. Do you think he'll try to get back?


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So 2 weeks ago I made love with my ex (which dumped me 5 months ago) without any protection and he finished/came inside me. It was my fertile day. Now it's too early to make pregnancy test. I'll make it in 1,5 week. That day my ex told me that if I would get pregnant, he wouldn't be with me, he wouldn't marry me, but he would take care of child as a father.


Today I met his friend. He told me: "Don't contact and don't chase him ok? You're so desperate. Get some self-respect". I wrote his words to ex and asked why had he told me that? I felt so bad about these words. Also I added "I hope we didn't make any children, cause then I would have to do a "plan B". I'll inform you later about that".


He: "What are you talking about? if there would be children, our relations wouldn't change".

Me: "If there would be children, I don't want to be lonely mother, which bf isn't together because he doesn't feel her anything and just visits baby".

He: "First, don't dream about children. Second, don't imagine that I will be with you cause I don't feel anything to you. Third, be happy that I'm friendly. Fourth, don't write me nonsenses because I hate that you are so idiot"

Me: "You know, I don't want to be rude, but it's hard not to talk about children after not using protection. So thank you for the truth. It was pleasure to f... If pregnancy test will be positive, I hope not to hear you or see you any more. I'll change my contacts and will find someone who will love me the way I am. I will not chase you as your friend said. Good luck"

He: "Stop threatening me. You are not pregnant and with your idiotic thinking delete me from your life, change your contacts and believe that whatever you do I don't want to be with you at all. Who would like to be with such a temperament and thinking girl? You must do something normal, not think how to terrorize me and that's all!!!"


I'm really scared if I'm pregnant. Now my life is a real chaos. 1) I have some man who loves me, but we're not couple. We're also making love without any protection. I was thinking to make paternity fraud, but it's not legal. I mean it would cause me, that person and the baby so much problems if it would find out that he's not the real father. But I love him so much. And I know that he wouldn't accept woman who has a child not from him. 2) Do you think my ex would get some more respect for me if I try to be more confident and not to contact him for that? 3) Or do you think he would try to get back if the test would be positive?

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if you don't want a baby why are sleeping with two different men without protection??? you made a mess of it and i can't blame your ex for reacting the way he did cause it sounds like you tried to get him back with this, cause even your title, i am probably pregnant.........wayyyy too early to make those assumptions...not every time you have sex without protection ends up in pregnancy so to me it sounds like you did this to win him back.....and to make paternity fraud in the case you do turn out to be pregnant is really ridiculous.......

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My two cents:


- stop having unprotected sex.

- accept that your relationship with your ex is over.

- if you are pregnant, make sure that you DON'T cut your ex from your life. Your child deserves a father, and he should take his share of the responsibility for the child. Do not chase him for a relationship in any way since he clearly has expressed that he doesn't want any. A negative relationship between the two of you will only impact negatively on the child.

- if you are pregnant, make the child your first priority and focus on your own life and the child. Stay away from relationships for a while and try to get to the bottom of what put you in this situation in the first place.

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Yeah, it was really BIG mistake to threat him to take away a child, because I really love my ex (while he doesn't love me). And of course I would love my child. I'm not sure if I'm pregnant yet as I said, but here's the continue of our messages.


Me: "I don't terrorize you. I want all the best for you and I don't try to get back with you. I don't threat you. I just don't understand why you talk to me like with an empty space when I tried to be friendly since. Ok, live your life. I want you to be happy (even if not with me). I'm not a monster and it's really painful when you think that a loving you person is desperate. I will not disturb you, maybe I overreacted with my words, but I'm not a psycho. I'm sorry I don't try to tie you to myself. If there will be anything to say - I will write you".

He: "You talk like a psicho. What's the difference if you inform me and then hide yourself and if there would be a child - you will not show him to me? You are insane and don't imagine nonsenses!! Finally, don't write me, because after your nonsenses, I really feel bad and let me live in peace, ok!"

Me: "I'm sorry, I really overreacted with my speaking. Of course I wouldn't do anything alike. You have the equal rights just as me. I'm just talking about "What if" because we didn't protected. You know I appreciate you and I can't pressure you, it wouldn't be fair, you are precious to me".



He didn't removed me from FB contacts, but he doesn't reply. Now it seems that he cut out of his life totally again. But I assume he just needs some more time. And if test will be negative - I will not write him. If test will be positive - I will inform him in a nice way, but not push him to stay with me or a child.

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PrettyGood, I think your ex thinks you are too unstable even for an fwb now. He will not be coming back, he will be staying far far away from you.


Stop trying to get pregnant to hold onto this man. That is a cruel reason to have a child. (It also never works.)


And go to the doctors and get some form of implant. Then you won't have to put any effort into protecting yourself from pregnancy.

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I had a baby from a man that I did not have a relationship with. I didn't want one - and the pregnancy was a mistake - I didn't trick him either. It was the last thing I wanted. He wanted no part of the baby. I met another guy when my son was 1 year old. We have been together for 5 years and he treats my son like his own.

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Today I met his friend. He told me: "Don't contact and don't chase him ok? You're so desperate. Get some self-respect". I wrote his words to ex and asked why had he told me that? I felt so bad about these words. Also I added "I hope we didn't make any children, cause then I would have to do a "plan B". I'll inform you later about that".


Wow what a mess. PrettyGood, if you were really serious about not wanting to get pregnant..you would have gotten ''plan B'' already. As I am sure you are aware there is a limited time for this pill to be effective which I think is 48 hours. Why did you tell him that? I guess you wanted a reaction out of him...


Now word of advice for you and all other women in your situation that might read this. You inform your sexual partner that you may be pregnant when there is a reasonable doubt that you might be ok? and that means at the minimum that you missed a period. You having sex without protection, while not very smart, does not mean that you ared pregnant. so basically you telling him this, is you causing drama.


I want to point out that you mentioned on this thread that you really love the man you are having sex with but would not accept another child as his own and on another post that you really love your ex... Really?

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PrettyGood, I think your ex thinks you are too unstable even for an fwb now. He will not be coming back, he will be staying far far away from you.


Stop trying to get pregnant to hold onto this man. That is a cruel reason to have a child. (It also never works.)


And go to the doctors and get some form of implant. Then you won't have to put any effort into protecting yourself from pregnancy.


I really hope she does this...I really hope so. I am affraid that she is not protecting herself not because she is intimidated by her sexual partners (i.e cannot say no) but because she indeeds wants to get pregnant. This illogical thinking probably due to some kind of severe emotionnal distress.


Prettygood I respectfully suggest that you see an OBGYN and a therapist.

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I met another guy when my son was 1 year old. We have been together for 5 years and he treats my son like his own.


Wow, at least there is some compassion... I also believe the fact that we cannot be so lonely in this world and that YOUR person just pops out at the most unexpected time and falls in love with you.


Why did you tell him that? I guess you wanted a reaction out of him... I want to point out that you mentioned on this thread that you really love the man you are having sex with but would not accept another child as his own and on another post that you really love your ex... Really?


Well I guess I said that because I wanted him to object at that moment, but it happened vice versa when he told me to get out of his life. And I was talking there about 2 different men: my ex (who wants child but not me) and my date (who loves me, but doesn't want child so early while we're not in relationship and moreover doesn't want to babysit someone else's (my ex) child all of his life.

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Wow, at least there is some compassion... I also believe the fact that we cannot be so lonely in this world and that YOUR person just pops out at the most unexpected time and falls in love with you.




Well I guess I said that because I wanted him to object at that moment, but it happened vice versa when he told me to get out of his life. And I was talking there about 2 different men: my ex (who wants child but not me) and my date (who loves me, but doesn't want child so early while we're not in relationship and moreover doesn't want to babysit someone else's (my ex) child all of his life.


That is exactly what I understood. I am just pointing out what you mentioned in post number 1 (last paragraph) and post number 4(first line) on this thread. You are saying you love the man you are thinking of frauding (re. paternity) and you love your ex (the one that just rejected you). Is it really the case?

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I would like to choose not my ex, but maybe I'll sound too much desperately and naive - I'm not sure if that man like me so much as I like him, so I was standing close to my ex not to loose any connection. The ex will not look at me as his girlfriend if he would be dead or alive. So whatever... I think I just didn't honour and respected myself doing that. Still waiting for a day to make that test which cost me so much nerves.

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Why are you even having this conversation with him when you dont even know that you are pregnant?


You are trying to play a game so that he hangs around to find out if he is a daddy. Pregnancy should have never been suggested until you had taken a test and saw a POSITIVE

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I'm talking because I'm in panic, like you said to be left all alone by myself, that he would find someone else in those 2 weeks until I make a test. But well since I'm totally dumped by him, I don't think he would care even if it would be positive. So it would be too naive to believe those thoughts.

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So you're dating 2 guys and sleeping with both of them. Even if you are pregnant, you don't know who the father is...


Look, the ex is just not interested. You can tell by his responses. I think that Plan B is a great idea under the circumstances. Also keep in mind that even if in your fertile time, you don't automatically get pregnant, so you may be working yourself up over nothing.


Get on a reliable birth control if you are sleeping with people... Most men react very badly if they don't intend to have children with you and you get pregnant, so best to ensure you don't rather than playing Russian roulette with them.

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If you had the unprotected sex two weeks ago, you can take the pregnancy test now. 9 out of 10 women will have enough HCG to detect pregnancy at that point.


I tested positive 7 days after conception, and I used a test from the dollar store.

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ok well i just read your other thread askign about the same thing, and honestly it sounds like your trying to get pregnant to keep him around. why do u still want to be pregnant from a guy who treats u like dirt? not to sound rude or anything but what his friend said is kinda true. have some self respect your been to clingy. i know people who have made this mistake and trust me its not worth it. im not trying to sound mean i just want you to realisethis because i hate seen people get hurt. i made a mistake of letting my ex push me around. she laughed at me from things she did and i didnt want to hurt her feelings and i let her do it. she made up things that arnt true. i dont want u to get hurt so let this guy go and use plan b

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Even if you are pregnant, you don't know who the father is... I think that Plan B is a great idea under the circumstances. Get on a reliable birth control if you are sleeping with people... you don't rather than playing Russian roulette with them.


I would know who the father is. It's my ex, because another guy wasn't coming/finishing his semen into me (such as my ex did on my most fertile days). So the father definitely would be my ex. I will get on birth control and thank you for your intelligent explanation. I really appreciate it.


If you had the unprotected sex two weeks ago, you can take the pregnancy test now. 9 out of 10 women will have enough HCG to detect pregnancy at that point. I tested positive 7 days after conception, and I used a test from the dollar store.


Thank you, thank you, thank you. But I think it's not worth to waste so much money (in my country these tests cost very expensive, there's no cheap ones). So I think I will wait for 11 days and then buy the expensive one to be really sure about it.


why do u still want to be pregnant from a guy who treats u like dirt? and use plan b


Well I am not trying to get pregnant. I was just drunk enough and too happy about the situation NOT TO THINK. So my plan B is really NOT an abortion. I would never do that. My plan B was to make a paternity fraud. But now I don't know if I should do that just to keep another person who was good to me - next to me...

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I meant get plan B, the early pill pill one can take to bring on a miscarriage, not Plan B, trick some other guy into paternity. If you are just barely pregnant, Plan B contraception pills are very effective at brining on a period immediately which efffectively ends a pregnancy without have to get a suction abortion or D&C.

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