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theory behind penis

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I was hanging out with my girlfriend and her friends, and I was the only guy there, so It made me fell kinda good...


Anyways, my gf all of a sudden said she will never have sex with a penis smaller than 5 inches, and all of her friends agreed, and they also talk about other things that I should of taken some notes. Well from what I read from all these posts that size doesn't matter, I tried explaining it to them, but I was just over powered.

So the theory behind size doesn't matter, is how you use it...


Futher more I have two questions for girls, or for any odd reason some guys want to answer too...


What is the smallerst penis you will take, as in size and girth?

what is the biggest penis you will take, as in size in girth?


I know some girls will say if they love the guy is doen't matter, I understand, but lets just say it was a one night stand or whatever, you wouldn't want a 2 incher would you?

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Dude penis size matters for some girls. For some girls it doesn't. Every girl is different. There is no universal theory. My girlfriend can climax quite easily thereforeeee she doesn't need some guy with a 11 inch penis. The other thing is that your girlfriend or her friends may be basing what they said on previous experience. Maybe they had a very good lover that was well hung. So I would say there is no universal governing theory over whether bigger is better. Hence why this debate has been ongoing for a long time. A majority of women may indeed think so and that is about the only thing you can judge.

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Sounds like your gf and her female friends have a limited knowledge of sex and anatomy. Most females cannot have an orgasm from vaginal intercourse, in their case stimulating the clitoris is the only way they will orgasm. These tend to be the group of females that say that size doesnt matter because subconsciously they realize that a penis is giving them pleasure but not an orgasm. Now some females out there can have orgasm through vaginal intercourse, this group of females for some reason has a high likelyhood of not wanting oral sex (aka clitoral stimulation). There are exceptions to every rule but im just stating some general ideas. Another thing to consider when females talk about how big a guy has to be and anything of that nature is that a lot of females dont take the effort to be responsible for their own orgasm (ie not taking an active role in sex). The size of a penis seesm to be some sort of visual indication to some females of how masculine a guy is or how good he will be in bed. I wouldnt pay attention to such conversations because it only shows the lack of sexual knowledge that these females actually have. If these females actually realize that sex has more to do with angles than actual penis size. This is why certain people believe that its the motion in the ocean. Whether you have a large or small member you still have to know how to work it. If i was you i would have said that i refuse to have sex with a girl that cant ride, just so u can throw something back at them.

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If your gf and her friends really believe what they said (and weren't just saying it for the sake of agreeing with each other), then they are really shallow. It's the equivalent of a guy saying that he wouldn't touch a girl with less than C-cup breasts -- it's ridiculous. Now, if they just *prefer* a certain size, that's fine; but, to say that certain human beings are not dating material simply because their sexual organs aren't big enough...well, that's something else entirely.

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well, you must understand that this was for the most part just girl-talk so to speak, she may have said things that she may not hold to later on. Who knows, it is shallow to say such things and mean them, but it is different if your just saying it because all these girls were her friends, and she just wanted to sound like she was the female equivalent of a "player". Just my thoughts though.

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hey all wemen are size queens if your not packing the heat then they don't want you . im a guy but i don't worry about that for i have been blessed but i do feel sory for all the guys that haven't been . tip if you ant got the heat then go out to eat . if you know what im talking about . hope this brings you luck. and one more thing being big isn't all that is cracked up to be . most wemen find it hard to handle . but you should never base something on its size or anything like that. love is not about size althow it helps i geuss don't really know that one

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LOL! Hardcore, I'm not sure where you got that idea that ALL women put such an emphasis on size, considering all the posts here that suggest otherwise. You're packing quite an ego there if you think that the only guys who get girls are ones who are well endowed. Personally, I don't look down a guys pants before I agree to date him.

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While I have a preference, I'm a little more concerned about what a penis is attached to, cause I'm gonna spend far more time dealing with that than with his appendage.


So, let's say I find my "ideal physical specimen"...but it's attached to the biggest a**hole in the world. I'm not keepin' the a**hole around just to have his schlong.


Besides, that's what dildoes & vibrators are for...custom ordered, guaranteed to please.


If all a woman is interested in is penis size, she's only after one thing....and it ain't a discussion of current events.



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all the girls i know say size doesn't matter but if you ask them in a group they'll say something like 'the bigger the better' also if you ask girls in private that trust you if they masterbate but in a group they'll almost always say that they dont.

Guys seem to be less 'close' with each other we stay at a distance its generaly our nature but girls are closer and share things more maybe this is the difference between guys and girls. i've talked with some of my guy friends when we've been hanging out and we all seem to know the limits of what to say, we insult each other family friends girl friends but its all in humor but as far as i know girls dont want to risk stepping out of a line that they dont seem to see.

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