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Is this a healthy way to lose weight?

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I recently went overseas and came back home with a massive fat gut from all the foods I indulged in when I was away, subsequently I gained 6kgs in a month!


I'm trying the new '17 Day Diet', I'm not sure if you've heard about it but it basically works to change your metabolism - High in protein and low in carbs.


This is a typical day of eating:


Breakfast: 1 boiled egg w/ 1 piece of fruit + green tea


Lunch: salad with can of tuna +green tea


Dinner: 1 piece of lean meat with assortment of boiled vegetables + green tea


Snack: 1 yoghurt w/ one serving of fruit


Do you think it's possible to lose weight on this diet or is it too high in calories?

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Some girls at work were talking about this. Apparently it really works to take the weight off FAST... if thats what you are looking for. But it is also really hard to stick to. You have to have some serious will-power to follow it. I'm always skeptical of diets that you are "starving" yourself on - because how your body works is when you are starving... your metabolism slows down, and your body learns to store food as fat.. then when you go back to your old eating habits, you can very quickly gain the weight again. If I were you I would go on some type of a high-protein diet, and as far as carbs go - get your carbs from healthy foods like fruits instead of pastas and breads which can be harder to digest. Make sure you get your regular intake of fibre, and exercise daily. Good luck!

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From what I've read and learnt (and I may be wrong)....


The breakfast seems a little small bearing mind breakfast is what kick-starts your metabolism for the day. I believe research has shown that those who skip or skimp on breakfast have more trouble losing weight.


Also, if you find yourself hungry then you may want to increase the amount you're eating (just more healthy stuff) because: a) It's unsustainable to be hungry all the time and b) being hungry can slow down your metabolism.



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I would ballpark this diet as about 900 calories a day. It would be much more ideal to try to eat at least 1200 for your health. Since it is fairly short it may work but I would really surprised if this is enough to lose 6 kg in about 17 days (which is about 13 lbs for everybody else). You may be better off in the long run increasing your calories to 1200-1400 and just sticking to it for longer.

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Minus the green tea, that's pretty much my daily diet. lol


It's a modified off-season body builder diet. I think one serving of fruit is plenty - I like juice in the morning, but if I skip it, then an apple in the afternoon is great (fiber filling!).


I'd also skip the yogurt (lot of sugar) and go for cottage cheese. I like the kind with the pineapple.


Also, I'd start the day with oatmeal (not the sugared packet kind - make your own), and then have a hard-boiled egg white mid-morning. Great protein energy boost.


I also swill liquid protein shots after working out, so if you want to add more protein without the calories (I can't enough the amount of protein I need), this is an efficient way to go.


Just throw a little fiber into the diet, and you'll be good - brown rice is always an option.

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17 day diet is working for me. Yep i bought it to slim up a little. I very loosely follow the book's directions and i am shedding excess weight reasonably quickly. I 'could' shed a lot more faster but then i would lose the things i enjoy.


(and no i am not telling you what i weighed to begin with, nor what i weigh now!)

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I suggest you read something about protein + carbs + fat + calories process and how it effects body. It's rather easy to understand and it will serve you for the rest of your life whenever wondering how to gain/lose weight. Google is your friend here, there's tons of information on this. But watch out for half-ass info out there, there's plenty of that too.


And as for the diet, realize that COOKIE-CUTTER/ONE-SUITS-THEM-ALL diets don't exist. Every body is different in some way, and every body needs different amount of protein/carbs/fat/calories in order to lose weight, while keeping functional and healthy.


You say it's ''high protein - low carbs'' diet. 1 egg + 1 fruits is barely high protein. And you got only 4 meals per day. Which is scary. STARVING TO DEATH IS NOT A PROPER DIET.


You need calories, no doubt about it, calories is what makes you going, it gives you ENERGY throughout the day.

Protein, carbs, fat - they provide calories. You should always sustain at least minimum of calories needed for your body to function properly, not to feel tired and fatigue. When you go for low carbs, you need to go for even higher amount of protein than usual. And once again, you need to experiment a bit and find your own diet. The one that fits you will not be the for the girl next door.


And drink a lot of water, a LOT. Water is way healthier than green tea and water doesn't make you fat.

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I suggest you read the book first before making a decision based off the 'internet'.


Explain the difference in quality between an advice written on a piece of paper and in the virtual reality by the same or more or less the equally qualified people? Hint: There's none. And internet is easier to get the info from.

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Explain the difference in quality between an advice written on a piece of paper and in the virtual reality by the same or more or less the equally qualified people? Hint: There's none. And internet is easier to get the info from.


And the internet does not need evidence to back up their claims.

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I have read the book and I do honestly think I can do it. I've started yesterday and I must admit, I'm craving carbohydrates. I started to form an obsession with strawberry jam on bread and then I thought it would taste even better with some crunch so I added some nutri-grain! lol. My diet just got out of control when I came back from overseas. I seriously gained 6 kgs in 1 month...that's insane!

I previously had dieted my butt off (literally) I was down to 47kgs *i'm 5'4) and feeling so great in my clothes and really in myself so I want to get back to that weight.

Right now I just feel all bloated and unattracted, I HATE getting dressed in the morning because It's obvious I don't fit in my jeans anymore and people have been noticing.

So yeah I feel motivated and I will go the 17 days and see what happens - I just hope I don't GAIN weight from it or I'll cry

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Well in that case.. you diet is not healthy. You are trying to become underweight again. It depends on your body type but perhaps you should visit your doctor to discuss a healthy weight for you before going ahead with it.


This is true. Your BMI when you were 47kg was 17.7 which is underweight by several pounds. The fact that you are cutting your calories down to an unhealthy low (between 900 and 1000 per day, roughly) in order to reach an unhealthily low weight indicates that you may have psychological issues with food, if not full-blown anorexia. Common with anorexia is hating your body ("flabby" stomach and "thunder thighs") despite the fact that you actually look thin, so if you are indeed suffering with this disease, you can't trust yourself to pick out your "best" weight. Please go see a doctor and maybe a counselor about this before making any decisions. Eating disorders are very dangerous, and you really don't want to mess with them.

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