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sent request but got a message?


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Okay, a couple of months ago I told a guy I liked him. He said he didnt have lots of time but his next quarter of school maybe we could hang out. I've seen him since at work (which I stopped working there last week) and we talk. He's nice.


I sent him a request on facebook and he didn't accept, he just sent a message that said, "How did you find me?"


What in the world? Why did he do that ?

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I did the same exact thing that you did and got the same response about not having time this semester. We were already facebook friends but don't know eachother personally. This was a few months ago and we haven't really talked on facebook so i'm trying to just let it go and move on. The message your guy sent you on facebook sounds like he is a little creeped out which sucks. It could also just be a genuine question. I have responded similarly to people I don't know well who have messaged me on fb and it wasn't because I was trying to be mean. I was just curious as to what their intentions are.

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