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Looking for self help

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In light of my recent break up with my ex, I have decided I take a step back and look at myself and ways to improve myself. Can anyone direct me to some books that can help you gain self-confidence, become more social and be able to make conversation and meet new people? I have already bought the Dale Carnegie "How to win friends and influence people". What other GOOD books are there, there are so many I don't know which ones are just bogus. Thanks

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hey sorry to hear about ur break up, but in a way it might have been a good thing if you turn it into something positive.... alot like what i have been doing lately.....


here are some books that i found to be great.


Deepak Choppa - The seven spritual laws of success

Sun Tzu - The art of war

Niccolo Machiavelli - The prince

The book of the five rings...


hope that was helpful.


best wishes, nan

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hi hypherion


I'm sorry about your recent breakup. As you say reading self help books are a good way to develop one self. If you search somewhere like link removed=pd_kk_sr_2/002-6120783-5940860?index=stripbooks&field-keywords=personal%20growth%20-%20self-esteem it will include reviews by other people.


ps don't spend all of your time dwelling on your relationship, get out there with your friends or take up a new hobby or something, it will make you feel better.

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Hy Hypherion.


What a good idea to step back and look at yourself. And when you do this you see a lack. A lack of self confidence and social abilities. So what are self confidence and sociability? Isn't self confidence being yourself: being good, being true to yourself: being bogus, being a fake, an imposter, not genuine? Isn't sociability being yourself with others?


And you believe you will get self confidence and sociability from good books and not bogus books. When you step back could you possibly see yourself as a book? Can you see that you contain all the information required to be yourself? You are your own story. You are writing the plot as you go.


There are a lot of good books about to read. What to recommend? Wouldn't a recommendation be a path/plot? And wouldn't a recommendation be a recommendation to follow someone else's path/plot?


I recommend following your own path/plot. I know this isn't anything to follow. Following anything isn't being your own book.


Hard cover? Soft cover? No, being is being an open book.

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Here are a few great books about self improvement that'll help you dramatically:


Think and Grow Rich with peace of mind by napoleon hill, this book is a classic that I feel everyone should read if they ever want to achieve peace of a mind, its not a book you can really read in a day, you have to contemplate a lot of what he says.


We're all doing time by Bo Zoloff this is an excellent book about spirtuality focuses a lot on people who've went to prison and have changed their lives for the better, its an inspiring read.


How to stop worrying and start living by Dale Carnegie

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  • 3 weeks later...
hey sorry to hear about ur break up, but in a way it might have been a good thing if you turn it into something positive.... alot like what i have been doing lately.....


here are some books that i found to be great.


Deepak Choppa - The seven spritual laws of success

Sun Tzu - The art of war

Niccolo Machiavelli - The prince

The book of the five rings...


hope that was helpful.


best wishes, nan



cool choice of books !


I would also recommend the essays of Montaigne

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I am not a big reader of self-help books. Not for any particular reason, I just seem to read more books about societal/political issues because that's where a lot of my interests are. However, I just read an amazing book about dating. It's called "Dating Boundaries" and it's by two male doctors/counselors.


The book really outlines what we should look for in relationships (namely, respect from our dating partners!) and I learned a great, great deal from reading it. It's written from a Christian focus, but I feel that anyone will find it helpful.

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