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crying is good, crying is my best friend.


well what can i say.....when we were together i would say, in that 8 n half years i cried maybe 5 times.....since we have split......ohhhhh man....


i cried for weeks picking up and dropping off my boy

i cried in work and had to run to toilets and sob while guys were taking a pi22 next door

i cried driving home

i cried to my friends

i cried to my family

i cried with my kid

i cried my heart out xmas day

i cried when i wrote her poems and she dismissed em

i cried when i gave her flowers and she said thanks

i cried when id text and say this is so wrong, i hate not seeing our son

i cried when she replied i just wanna be in a routine now

i cried when id come home to an empty house, id just break down on the floor

i cried every time i thought how much i miss my son

i cried when i went to sleep

i cried when i woke

i cried, i cried i cried......



5 months on and the crying has lessened....wen she text the other day saying i wanna talk and then changed her mind


i felt a massive build up of frustration in my chest, that msg knocked me, ohhh man i was a mess, not crying but i wanted to sooooo badly....


a week n half later i dropped my kid off to her and she acted as if nothing ever happened....


120 seconds after i left my son with her....


i cried so hard....so hard......i felt all that frutration and confusion come from the deep parts of my body and i cried like i hadnt cried in a long time.....and i felt better every time...every time i cried it lifted me....crying is good....


i say crying is good....its my best friend through this hellish nightmere.




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Hate is never productive. I never hate. It's a waste of energy. Apathy.. disdain..sometimes, but it is temporary. My anger toughens my skin. I won't let this happen to me again.


Sadness must happen as well. All of the crying is natural and cathartic. I just won't wallow in self pity anymore. There is a big world out there and I want to see it and experience it. I can't do that if I am paralyzed by the past.

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i know this isn't my thread again...sorry. Too bummed to make my own.


It's okay. This is everyone's thread. I like reading the stories.


Guess what guys? Today I went a whole day without crying. I felt so good and I'm proud of myself. I was on the verge of doing so but I didn't.


I must be getting better, I guess I can't really push things to stop.



And Jonesy, I think that you have done a lot of improvement. I always read your journal and wow, I can really see changes. You were so strong. I don't know how I would have dealt with that. The crying is completely justified.

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its a good thing you can cry, i wish i can cry more, i cant bring myself to do it and when i do i feel like it was the first day. i know how it feels when you have been there for some one and they turn there back on you, crying is a good way to relive the pain

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