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5 days to go until we finally meet!


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Hi everyone, well I'm leaving for another country in less than 3 days, I haven't thought about it that much because I've been violently ill with the flu Hopefully Im 100% for my vaca though.

I will be meeting my online bf for the first time ever! we set a date which was good and then he says, it will just be casual and i won't keep you for long, he kept stressing this and it's sooo fustrating! i know he keeps warning me about his appearance allll the time but ive seen him on webcam and photos and hes perfect to me, i couldnt find anything about him not attractive.

I mean i'm coming alll this way for this guy basically, im going to be exploring the world and that in it's own right is extremely exciting but ultimately im following my heart, i love him.

So i'm just going to get there and try to woo him over lol and see if that works..i just hope he welcomes me and isnt stand offish.

I feel like i know him so well, we're amazing together online so i dont know why he cant see that in a real life context as well.

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this is the coffee date isnt it? i hope it all goes well for you, its a long way to go for a guy that doesnt seem too eager, but you never know, he may just be nervous. anyway, do you have some other activities planned for your trip? so you will at least have fun even if the meet doesnt work out as you hope. good luck.

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I definitely know the feeling!!! I had only seen photos when I met my now fiance so you can imagine how nervous/excited/scared I was! When I did see him I thought there is my future husband and here we are almost 2 years later of living together getting married later this year.


I don't think it's that he's not eager he's just afraid of rejection. That you'll go there and be disappointed. Just be yourself and if it works out then awesome! Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone, my trip has been absolutely amazing! I am still currently overseas and coming home next week but everything with my boyfriend was perfect, I've had the best time of my life with him and so glad that we met. We became really attatched to eachother after spending every day and night together for 2 weeks, it was incredible the chemistry we had. I guess now the hard part is actually maintaining our relationship but we've both said that we really want to and we might even be able to have a real future together.

I am really grateful for this website because I did have my doubts about meeting him but everyone on this forum has been really supportive and nice so thanks

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Hi everyone, my trip has been absolutely amazing! I am still currently overseas and coming home next week but everything with my boyfriend was perfect, I've had the best time of my life with him and so glad that we met. We became really attatched to eachother after spending every day and night together for 2 weeks, it was incredible the chemistry we had. I guess now the hard part is actually maintaining our relationship but we've both said that we really want to and we might even be able to have a real future together.

I am really grateful for this website because I did have my doubts about meeting him but everyone on this forum has been really supportive and nice so thanks


That is awesome to hear! I'm happy that it went well for you!! When I met my fiance I was pretty nervous and wondered if I was crazy but then I saw him and all these feelings came flooding in and I just knew. The rest is now history.

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Hi everyone, my trip has been absolutely amazing! I am still currently overseas and coming home next week but everything with my boyfriend was perfect, I've had the best time of my life with him and so glad that we met. We became really attatched to eachother after spending every day and night together for 2 weeks, it was incredible the chemistry we had. I guess now the hard part is actually maintaining our relationship but we've both said that we really want to and we might even be able to have a real future together.

I am really grateful for this website because I did have my doubts about meeting him but everyone on this forum has been really supportive and nice so thanks


So I guess you made it past the coffee date?

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