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Taken a step back


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Me an my bf have been together now for over a year, we have been living together for the past 5 months, an we do fight like every normal couple, we had a fight on friday nothing major but the next morning he woke up an started packing his things an moved out says he needs his own space an cant live with me right now, i am devestated naturally, he still wants to be with me but he just cant do the whole living together thing right now, do you think this can still work if u take a step back in your relationship? I dont know how to feel right now.

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Well, when the dust has settled, you should talk about it to find out what are the reasons why living together is not possible. You obviously see these arguments as something minor, so there must be a reason why they are affecting him so much. If it's too early to live together then that's fine, but if you are committed to this relationship then living together will become a reality again in the future, and you need to prevent the same issues from occurring again.

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We fight occasionally mainly about one topic well actually thats the only thing we ever fight about, his really needy female friend. Im hoping that this all works out, he still wants to see me an came an seen me today an thinks me being so upset about it is an over reaction cause its not that bad an it isnt really a big deal not that much is going to change

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Honestly, I would be a little wary on a guy who threatens to leave again within a month.


You mentioned that the fights were about his female friend. Are you sure that he doesn't have some sort of feelings for her? In your previous thread you mentioned that he'd rather get her a $1,600 tv than get a bed frame for you. Honestly, this sounds like a red flag to me that he would consider her needs before your own relationship.

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yea he always puts her first. Thats just the way it is, i cant take it anymore i think i might give him all the space he needs and not make any contact with him at all. Everytime i try to break it off completely he starts crying an says he doesnt want that he just wants his own space an to do his own thing. But its so over i cant keep feeling like this.

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Ugh, giving into a needy female friend is a terrible habit and the sad thing is, it usually stays a habit. I wouldn't count on him ever putting space between him and that friend. You've had many fights around this issue and it hasn't gone away and there's a 99.9% that it won't go away. Give him his space but give yourself some space from the relationship too. What are your options if you add in the hard fact that the needy female friend will always be in your bf's life? It seems you can't get past it...

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I dont think i can ever be ok with this, i could be ok if he took a lil step back from that an stopped buying her these huge gifts, an started spending more time with me an less with her, but i dont think this will ever happen. So i think its best for my sanity to end things once an for all.

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