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I want to tell him how I feel.....

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My boyfriend broke up with me a few weeks ago, and it hasn't been easy. My friend decided we needed time apart from each other, since all we did was fight and nag (well, I did the fighting and nagging....). It has been a time where I've been able to be myself and learn more about myself, but now we're talking again, and I was hoping he'd change his mind, but he didn't and he's content with being single....


basically I want to tell him how I feel, and I know he's heard it a million times, but now that I've calmed down, I think it might be a better time to get my feelings out. I want to tell him I'm disappointed over all things that he wants to let the relationship go after all we've been through together. He complained so much about how no one wants to hang out with him and praised me for treating him like an actual person, and now he wants to throw it away and I'm hurt. It's like I don't mean anything to him anymore. I don't know how to say this without starting a fight or an emotional conversation.


Last night when I was talking to him I tried to be as casual as possible, but I felt so uncomfortable and sick to my stomach. It was SO hard.


I don't know what to do. I want to move on, but I want to tell him my feelings also. I want us to be friends still, but I'm afraid he doesn't even want that. Advice? Please?

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God I know that exact feeling. The one where you want to tell the other person how you feel but you know they dont want to hear it. It makes me sick to my stomach too.


The sad fact is, you can only hope that he will turn around, you can't count on it. If you want to tell him how you feel and he doesnt want to talk about it, send him and email or a letter. But when you do, be serious about it, don't beg for him back, just tell him how you feel and say that you can only do what you are capbable of. Don't dwell on what he says or what he thinks. But you do need to get your feelings out, even if it is for closure. Being needy about it will probably drive him away farther.


I should really take some of my own advise sometimes, lol.

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I know how your feel too, actually I'm in the same problem right now. It's very hard, and I don't know what to do myself. I consulted many of my friends and the most of my family, they all say the same: Get over her, let her contact you, don't tell how you feel if you know she doesn't want to hear it, it will only make things worse

I try and try, and it's hard, but I'm better now, than yesterday and the day before, in time I know I will get over her, but it's hard, believe me I know the feeling.

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I'm going through the same thing right now. My boyfriend all of a sudden stopped wanting to see me and stopped leaving me cute little messages like he used to. Now he is saying he wants time and space from me. Im in love with him and he says he cares about me still but just needs space. All i want to do is call him and remind him how much he is hurting me but it doesnt do either of us any good. Im trying to get over him because he is obviously testing the waters with seeing if he can be better off without me. I for one am not going to sit around and wait for him to make up his mind. So while he thinks im sitting here waiting for him, im getting over him. if he calls i pick up and make pleasant conversation and yes its hard and it hurts and i feel naseous afterwards but its what needs to be done. I dont call him, i let him call me. If he comes back around and wants me back, ill think about it but if he doesnt, hopefully by then ill be over him when i find out its over. What you need to do is be with your friends and family, keep busy, cry if you need to and just be angry instead of sad. It sux and i have gone through this twice within the past year and it hurts a lot. But dont settle for someone who treats you like this, no matter how much you care about them now, its better off to be over them and moved on because chances are they will never change and treat you the way you want.

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Hi Megchan,

I know how you feel and you are doing the right thing. You can be nice to him and pleasant over the phone, but try not to dwell on the past. Do not bring it up unless he does. It's better to leave things alone for now especially since he feels that he wants to be single for awhile.


I know how arguing and nagging can hurt a relationship--sometimes there is no turning back . Your best bet right now is to let things calm down. You will see that if he still loves you in time he will realize this and come back to you. All you can do now is be sweet and be strong.


In the meantime get on with your life. Go out with friends, do stuff that you enjoy. Get your life back. You will feel so much better and get back your stability. You will also be a happier person and hopefully when he comes back ( crossing fingers) you won't argue and nag anymore.

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