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Missed day of BC

im rly mad

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So my ex-gf missed a day of BC about a week ago and like two days later we hooked up. Lets just say stupidly. She's been good about it for the past two months before that. Obviously we're both responsible for what happened and worried, it was an awful decision. I know missing a day is a BIG deal.. but is there hope that she is not pregnant? Has anybody had a similar experience with a success story?


I'm not trying to live in fantasy land and not trying to avoid responsibility, but I would really prefer not to get lectured in this thread or be told that it is definite that she is. I would just like to hopefully know that there is a possibility that she isn't. Things aren't looking good of course and I feel sick to my stomach about everything, I would just like to be able to sleep instead of staying up all night worrying about this for the upcoming months until I accept it.

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It is unlikely, but possible, that she is pregnant. If she takes a combined pill (not the mini pill), which I assume she is on, then the risk is quite low. Most pills do not instruct women to use a back-up method if they miss just one pill and take it as soon as they realize they have missed it, so if she just missed the one the increased risk is low (though still present of course).


In her shoes I would keep taking the pill and take a pregnancy test in maybe 2 weeks at the earliest, and then again at 3 weeks.

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