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Ok been chatting to this girl for almost a month now through txts and phone calls, we finally met up last saturday and i ended up going back to hers, after a bit of flirting and kissing we ended up having sex, i really like her and i hope she likes me as much but im wondering if we took the final step too early.I didnt want to jepardise a possible relationship by moving so fast. Am i over-analizing too much? or is this how it goes these days, ive not dated for a very long time lol

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Ok been chatting to this girl for almost a month now through txts and phone calls, we finally met up last saturday and i ended up going back to hers, after a bit of flirting and kissing we ended up having sex, i really like her and i hope she likes me as much but im wondering if we took the final step too early.I didnt want to jepardise a possible relationship by moving so fast. Am i over-analizing too much? or is this how it goes these days, ive not dated for a very long time lol


How about you call her and ask her out again and take it from there.

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I agree! If you like her then roll on...


Why are you asking is this is how it goes these days? After all YOU slept with her--so there's your answer!....not trying to be a trouble maker--but, as a woman, my radar goes up when men go for what they want, when they want it (seem like the way of the times) and then wonder why a woman does the same.....always a double standard...

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I agree! If you like her then roll on...


Why are you asking is this is how it goes these days? After all YOU slept with her--so there's your answer!....not trying to be a trouble maker--but, as a woman, my radar goes up when men go for what they want, when they want it (seem like the way of the times) and then wonder why a woman does the same.....always a double standard...


im asking because before that id only been with 1 person for 9/10 years alot can change in that time lol im not second guessing her i just dont want mess it up lol and yep we've been in contact since guess i just need to relax and enjoy it lol thanks all

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