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Well its been 5 complete days of NC......

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Princess, thanks, I am in a stronger place now. We'll see if he really calls... That is always the thing. I am looking all cute today, so if he does I am prepared and don't have to go home and change. If he doesn't I 'm not going to call him. If JPS can do it so can I!!!


JPS, I know she'll call, I am feeling like it will be about 10 days... from the beginning of NC. That's about how long we girls can take it. My favorite thing to do when I am obsessing is to go to a movie. Try to go to see a light move, or a depressing one if it's not about a relationship. The good thing is you are out of the house and you are focused on a story that isn't your own. Just make sure to get there right when it starts so you don't have to watch the couples kissing or arguing over snacks!


I agree Fridays are the worst. Especially because mine left on a Friday, but the whole go out with friends thing can seem really hollow and depressing, and the stay at home and obsess thing... oh that's even worse... I used to love fridays!!!


Hang in there everyone. I am so glad we all have eachother, this is the best thread I've been on...

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Well there was contact today. I said hi and she responded with the same. Then we ignored each other for the rest of the time. I saw her as I was leaving I waved bye and she did the same. Now I feel like crap. What does that mean? No other words were exchanged. Thats all. What does this mean? Does it mean she's over me? Today just sucks because of this. Am I over reacting and reading too much into today?

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What did her eyes look like when you said hi, was it like she was rolling them, did she turn and face you as she said hi, or did she appear happy that you said hi?????


Think about her body language. Most of the time, a man's entire body, or at least his torso, will face a woman when they are interested in them, but with women a lot of times if they're interested they'll look down and from the side.


Of course we can only speculate but body language tells a lot.


Hope everyone made it through the weekend OK. I had a good weekend for a change though.

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hi guys, im doing the NC but my ex has texted me once last week and once today but i just replied (after a few hrs) in the name of courtesy n good nature. (good move?)

i ended the text (today's) and she said to msg her whenever. i know im not gonna do that, (not so soon anyway). (is it a good decision?)

do i continue to reply her text if she does text me again?


THE SITUATION: she is currently seeing a colleague. im moving on and dating, and am sure have everything under control. (thanks to Danimal's advises. Im tryin to emulate his ways at the same time as avoiding my ex.)

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killerer, If she's texting you she is definitely feeling something and doesn't want to lose you in some way. You're getting a lot more contact than a lot of people here. (I don't know the situation of the breakup) But yes, you're doing wonderful. Keep up the great, neutral attitude. Even ignoring her more is better.


I once used to pick up the phone every time (when I was single) when this one guy called. He began to take me for granted. I soon figured out that the less I was available, the crazier it drove him for me. And before, when I used to call him, he'd avoid me. Anyway, once I hit the mark where I got "tired" of feeling sad all the time over another individual of whom I had no control over, he kept calling and calling and begging and pleading. He even proposed to me. Finally I called him back after he left a bunch of messages and after several weeks went by. By that time, I had already met someone else, who is now my husband. It turned out they knew each other (who'd have thought?) and got into a huge fight on the phone about who loved me more. Hope that gives you somewhat of a positive outlook on NC. I would have gotten the ex back, but I had already moved on. So NC worked out for me anyway.

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Princess777, thanks for sharing your experiences with me. Who would have thought the outcome of your situation? It was a happy ending for you and im happy for you now that u've happily settled down.


i just dont want to be her safety net or the fall back guy u know... i still love her but its fading with time. anyways, thanks again for the advises and the support. appreciate it!

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