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What Body Shape Do You Prefer In Men?

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In a perfect world? I love the Vin Diesel look/size. I also love the thinner parcour or karate sized guys (with the 6 packs... mmmm). I'm not really into the Arnold Schwarzeneggar type.


In reality, though - I don't have that kind of body or discipline, either. So... those guys kinda make me feel a little insecure. What would they want with me and my pooch-belly? LOL! So, I kinda like a guy with a little fluff as well.


Of course... I've also dated one or two 'bigger' guys...


Honestly? It's cliche - but for me it's all about the personality and the smile. I like a guy with mischeif in his eyes and a killer smile. That's what will melt my heart every time. If I really want to see those 6 packs? I can turn on the TV or go to a club or something... I don't need that day-to-day.

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Totally agree with you on that last part RedDress. I've found that too...with certain guys regardless of size or even age, if they just mentally stimulate me (I'm a nerd, ok?) then I'm smitten. Plus you tend to learn that the really good looking one's you avoid, as they can usually be one-dimensional. Not saying all the time, but in what experience I've had, its been the case.

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Athletic/toned. ie, the "I can have abs without looking like a steroid junkie" look.


But clearly, this is just an "ideal" look. Very few guys in reality are able to achieve this.


Guys typically have a bigger challenge ahead of them in this regard. Whereas women can just lose weight and achieve the whole slim/petite look, guys need to work out. It's tough.

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I like big guys! I used to be totally into skinny runners, but then I met my husband. He's not really ripped, per se, but he's very muscular... he's got big ol' tree trunk legs with sexy defined calves... broad-chested... strong back and shoulder muscles... hot.


When it comes down to it, though, his smile does me in every time.

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