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It sounds cruel but I cant help it. Theres this boy from school who really likes me and I like him too. Hes sweet and interesting and he flirts with me alot, I usually go along with it. He would be perfect if he wasnt so unattractive. Yes I know I sound shallow and mean.

I've been with ugly guys before and my friends give me such a hard time about it that I end up hating the guy and before I know it cruel words about their looks and personality come pouring out of my mouth. I really dont want to hurt this guy by rejecting him or later on when I turn nasty.

I dont know what to do, please help me.

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U simply let him know that u like him just as a friend, but he is not your type. And your friends are out of order making fun of you for going out with someone who they dont find attractive. Don't let yourself act immature with them and start abusing the guy, he hasent done anything wrong. At the end of the day does it matter if your friends don't find your bf attractive? Isn't it in a way a good thing, at least you dont have to worry that one of them will try it on with him . My ex I thought was gorgeous, but many of my friends didnt see what i saw in her, but it didn't bother me 1 bit.

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JuJu is right, f**k what your friends think. Who cares if they don't find some guy attractive and wouldn't go out with them, they're not the ones dating the guy are they???


If you like a guy, forget what your friends think and ignore what they say. You should make you're decisions based on what you want and what makes you happy, not what your friends want and what makes them happy.

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I agree i think you should ask him out if you like him also. Despite what your friends think, i mean if they ARE your friends then they would accept whoever you want to date.


I mean just because he's not attractive doesn't mean that he can't be the perfect boyfriend. Looks aren't always everthing (ever heard of the expression "Don't judge a book by it's cover".


Go with what feels right, don't listen or be put off by others say or think as long as your happy then that's all that matters in the end isn't it?


Hope this helps,


- whitefang

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To date, or not to date? Smile. Well I will say I agree with most every one on the topic of your dilemma. I have been on both sides of the fence. Yes friends can be cruel about telling you their opinion of what is ugly and what aint. Well I decided to dump the friends who really dogged the guys I liked! I ended up with some ugly guys. But I did end up happier than my so-called friends. I am married to a man who is hopelessly not cute. But his actions are better than any pretty boy I have ever been with.



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Sorry, didnt read it quite right. I thought u liked him as a friend but didn't fancy him? As nice as the guy is, if u don't find him physically attractive, I can't see it lasting, so I still agree with my first reply. U 2 can be great friends and like I said, don't listen to your shallow friends, theres nothing to stop you 2 being friends, or perhaps one day more? Perhaps u will start to find him physcially attractive in time.

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Ya just tell him u want to be friends dont be like those other CRUEL MEAN GIRLS that i have gone through have told me im ugly.Its not r faults how we look WE WERE BORN WITH THE LOOKS WE HAVE.Just let me clarify this for good looking people....U DID NOTHING FOR YOUR LOOKS U WERE BORN WITH THEM U DID NOTHING AT ALL TO ACHIEVE THEM U JUST GOT LUCKY.Some of us r just unlucky and have to go on alone through life with no one too love.Dont give me that bullcrap that people have a special someone for themselves.I dont believe it i think im just gonna go on lonely for a long time in my life unless i get lucky its very sad and dispappointing.I give up...Im trying to erase girls out of my mind they just make me depressed and so many of them r mean to me...

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The word ugly just makes me mad i dont get why its even here.WHY DO SOME US HAVE TO BE UGLY.Why must i want a girlfriend if IM TOO UGLY TO GET one ITS BULLCRAP theres no logic to it I DONT UNDERSTAND HELP ME UNDERSTAND.WHY?WHY?WHY?WHY MUST I BE!!!!!??????IT SUX I CANT STAND IT!It makes me so depressed why cant i live on a world with no women or just make it to where my mind doesnt care if i have one at all.IM so depressed right now my pills rnt working and ive been reading these posts on totally unfair situations.Girls have it so easy about 90 percent of them dont even ened to try they just get a bf like nothing its retarded.Women hate me with a passion i dont know why im such a nice guy but o well life sux....

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Wow, that's very honest of you.




I hate the fact that when I dress good or carry expensive things that girls who normally wouldn't even look at me, would suddenly flirt with me


But perhaps it's female's nature, but do look into the depth inside a male. Some of us crave to be known to have depth. And THEN we manifest out our true appearances. Especially those who deliberately dresses like they're out of style

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Yea, just either put him down nice and neat, don't be so aggressive towards him. He has done nothing wrong but have an interest in you. It might hurt him but it is alot better than insulting the guy. But if you really want a nice guy, look beyond those looks and give him a chance.....you never know. It is up to you, the point is no matter what, if he shows you respect, you show him respect.....that is the fair thing to do.


I understand everything you are saying Shinobi. But just remember that the word ugly is just an opinion. To some you may be cute and to some you may be ugly. More people think I am ugly than cute. But forget them they are not important. I like to tell myself that but being called ugly too many times will drive you to the edge. I hope you can try to move on and ignore these shallow beings.....you don't need them.

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Ugly is a matter of opinion... Just like sexy is. I honestly don't see why any guy even glances in my direction! I'm a freaking walking stick, with a severe lack of boobage (I'm like a 32A, if that!) don't have much in my favor... But anyways, if I'm atrracted to a guy, it's a mix of a lot of things. Personality being one of the biggest. If he's hott, then hey! Bonus! But if he's not, it doesn't mean he's not worth my time. I'll usually still get to know him, and if anything comes out of it, great! If we end up just being friends, that's cool, too!


But I do know what you guys are saying. I'm definitely guilty of not giving a guy a chance cause of looks. Sorry!

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