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Life in the Driver's Seat


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Isn't that against labor laws here in Canada? I think by law, one has to have a 15 min break for every three hours worked or in lieu of that, a half hour for lunch.


The way they get around it is I work for 3 different departments. Also I am the only person who does HHT’s . So no one to replace me. We are so short staffed it is out of this world ridiculous .

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I just about LOST MY 🤬. The counsellors at my work are just not booking their appointments for childcare . While my children from my HHT are sleeping a counsellor brings in a kid for care who was awake and screaming because they are nine months old and got woken up from a nap. 🤬 when my kids are sleeping is when I’m supposed to have a bit of downtime not be looking after another kid. So then this kid wakes up my kids . And the same counsellor has the nerve to ask my boss if I will take in another client from 330 to 430 . My boss said hell no she’s going home at 4 o’clock she’s been here since seven this morning and she still has to work tonight . Boss went to the executive director and said the counsellors have to get their act together . Then the counsellor STILL had the nerve to come to me after my boss was gone. 🤬 Noooooooooo!!!! I am not a robot !!!! I need a goddamn break !!!

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I have decided I am turning in my resignation for the youth centre on Monday. It is not adding to my life but adding stress. And the manager some months ago told me herself that she prefers to give young people a chance over older people. Hello , illegal much? Then she gives the young people 2 shifts a week and me and R one a week.

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Work has been super super busy. 90 hours on my next cheque. I had a 3 hour CWL meeting tonight and I am off to convention this weekend.


My mom starts a job tomorrow. I HATE that she has to work and what she is doing . It made me cry. The jerk who lost their pension should be shot.

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As predicted my mom hurt herself. Trip hit her head into a wall and puked and WONT go to a hospital. I was crying on the phone to my step dad. Poor man started stuttering. He has a stutter when upset.


I said elderly people should not be working like this. It is BS.

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Convention was ok. The only part that REALLY irritated me was our council president and her daughter. Well, her youngest daughter. They have been crying at EVERY public event for 2 years. Conventions ,retreats you name it . So this year she rolls up to me throws her arm around my shoulders and shows me this text that she sent to our past president . Where she exclaimed ,”guess who told me she wants to be the next president ? The past president mentions my name and she says no my daughter !” And then she says oh but she hasn’t answered me . Now I know they are best friends so I’m not commenting on that ! She think I’m stupid . So I just said yeah OK that’s great and walked away . Then she goes around shoving her daughter in everybody on the diocesan and provincial Council’s face . And saying well the old ladies in our counsel are not going to accept her so can I count on your help .


REALLY REALLY???? You’re undermining your own council. Not only that how is she going to have the maturity or the time to do everything that’s needed to be a council president ? How about in this instance if you think about the council and not just advancing your ambitions about your family .


And the youngest daughter who is always a smart ass somehow insulted her older sister and all three women are bawling . And I don’t mean momentarily . Sitting in the middle of our closing mass in the cathedral and the youngest one you can hear her sobbing . And this is who she wants to be the council president . Riiiiiiiiiiiight.

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The last two days have been soooo relaxing. I have had 4 hours both days and not working at night. Just seeing my son and husband is AWESOME. My husband had today off and the 3 of us hung out much of the day. It has been sunny and hot and I am just sooo relaxed and happy.

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