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Alternative to medication for ADD

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So I don't know for certain if I have it. My doctor prescribed me adderal a while ago to see if it helped with attention, but it just makes me really anxious and want to do anything but school.


I am miserable sitting in classes - I literally don't gain anything from being in a classroom (unless the lecturer/professor is EXTREMELY good at capturing attention). I feel like I have wasted so much time from sitting in classes... the only time I really learn is when I'm forced to figure out how to do something for an assignment/test.


Are medications my only option? My lack of attention constantly gets me in trouble with my girlfriend and just people get super irritated with me because if they talk to me while I'm doing something I tune them out completely. Thanks.

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I have ADD as well but not very severe. I would go and actually get tested for ADD, then get a new doctor. Your doctor sounds a bit pill-happy. If you must go on medication be very careful. Try very low does at first, I will say I have never heard anything good about concerta. Everyone I know who has tried it says it basically makes you have no personality.

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You need to be assessed by a mental health professional. Most family doctors are not experts on ADD/ADHD.


So I don't know for certain if I have it. My doctor prescribed me adderal a while ago to see if it helped with attention, but it just makes me really anxious and want to do anything but school.


I am miserable sitting in classes - I literally don't gain anything from being in a classroom (unless the lecturer/professor is EXTREMELY good at capturing attention). I feel like I have wasted so much time from sitting in classes... the only time I really learn is when I'm forced to figure out how to do something for an assignment/test.


Are medications my only option? My lack of attention constantly gets me in trouble with my girlfriend and just people get super irritated with me because if they talk to me while I'm doing something I tune them out completely. Thanks.

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I have been on ADD meds for years..concerta is exactly the same as ritalin, except there is a pump like feature in the pill which allows the meds to be released over a longer period of time. adderal/dexadrine is something I took after the ritalin lost its effect.


You can do a lot to your environment to help with the ADD. I now have an office that has a door-- I used to suffer like hell in an open concept office. Now I take about 1/6th of the medication (ritalin).


You can do other things like make lists, or if you are, for example, cleaning your house, finish one room before starting the next. Plan your day knowing you have ADD.


Watch out for the pills....I can only go by my own experience, but they may have caused me to have perm. anxiety/depression. The less medication the better.


Do things that you love. I dont need to take pills to enjoy tennis or running. Maybe switch your major to something that fascinates you!


Good luck!

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Everyone does react different. It was horrible for me on Adderall & Adderall XR. I went into a state of depression and heavy mood swings when it wore off. I did do much better years ago on Concerta. Strattera I just could not stay awake! But like many have mentioned you probably feel the same, I didn't feel like a human. Just an automated robot doing a lot of things at once.


If none of the medication works for you then it may good to look into other areas including what your lifestyle is like. Personally eating healthy and exercising (especially) really helps me to focus. Do you have any depression? Foods high in serotonin may help you a lot while boosting your concentration. I always tell people eating two bananas a day really help me to focus while making my mood much higher.


And I agree with TomboyMS that it's too easy to get ADD/ADHD medication prescribed so aside from having such tendencies if you haven't I would definitely see a professional first to make sure the attention is the only issue.


There are many natural remedies but everyone responds differently; what I can recommend also on that matter is talk to a herbologist or naturopathetic doctor.


See what works for you in keeping your focus

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