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i need help, i am lame! (and i need to know if she likes me)

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hey, i think i am making lame conversation with this girl, any tips?

part II...


the thing is... i know her online, and we talk online alot, but it is hard when we actually see each other... this is how it goes down...


the reasons i think she likes me:

1. all her friends know about me although i dont know any of them

2. we have alot in common

3. we flirt online alot


the reasons i dont think she likes me:

1. she didnt see interested in the things i was talking about (and it wasnt always me, me, me)

2. she talked with the friend that she brought along more than me

3. there is not 3, i just need a number three




and she will do almost anything for me online... she told me her bra size, when i was kidding...

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well before i give you convo tips i want to ask what are you doing flirting with girls on the internet? Meet people that you can actualy see and touch. But if you just want convo tips, try to find out what her hobbies are and learn more about them so you can hold your own in a convo about that topic.

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I think your thinking to much about this. You should just give it more time. As they say time will tell.


Also girls are mysterious maybe shes messin with you. Maybe shes not who she says she is. There can be many factors like I said just weight and see what happens.

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You shouldnt feel obligated to have a conversation with her, just let the conversation flow naturally. Talk like you would with her on the internet, dont try too hard otherwise it will seem like you are trying to impress her. Dont worry about this girl liking you cuz what will that actually accomplish, she talks to you doesnt she? That should be good enough, dont say anything to her about how you like her or anything of that nature. Just have fun with the situation.



P.S. There shouldnt be anything that you say on the internet that cant say to her face.

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ew, internet chat. Dude for your own good, stop talking to her alot on the net. Trust me. Try spending some time with her rather then on the net. Plus, if you are on the net all the time talking to her she will think you have no life and are desparate over her.

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There is nothing wrong with internet chat dude, if it wasn't for internet chat, they wouldn't have met in the first place. Maybe he's not on all the time, just at night, like I am.


I know what you mean about it being a bit difficult in person, don't worry too much, the more time you spend together the easier it will get. Good luck

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Spend time with her face to face.

If she doesn't want to spend time with you, move on before you get in too deep.

People can say anything online...you are taking some pretty big emotional risks by not spending time in person with her.

Eye contact, body language, tone of voice...these things tell you so much about how a person really feels...and you aren't getting this necessary info. online.

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hey, everyone.... i need help, really bad, the girl that i like.... i told her how i felt too soon, and the thing is... i know that she feels alot the same way i do, but i dont think she was ready to hear that from me, and i spooked her, i need help, really bad, i feel bad about doing this, and i want to make it right... someone help

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