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Had the strangest dream...


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I dreamt about my ex of 3 yrs. ago last night. In reality, she's from Europe and went back there when we broke up. I lost contact with her quite some time ago, but then out of the blue she emailed me a couple months ago. I wrote back once and so did she, but then she disppeared again. That's what happened in real life. Now here's what happened in my dream last night:


I went to Europe for some kind of a combination business/vacation kind of trip. When I was there I was only focused on my reasons for being there, but the idea was somewhere at the back of my mind about possibly running in to her. As I spent time there I started to notice bills posted on walls and city squares and such that were posted by her.


They said she heard I was in town and she wanted to get in contact with me. The flyer had no contact info though. I saw it and thought it would be nice to touch base with her but didn't really care either way. Then towards the end of my trip, I saw the flyers again but this time there was contact info. As I stood on a street corner reading it, she appeared from behind the sign, and then was hovering in the air just above it, telling me she was so glad she was able to find me. She leaned down from her place above me and gave me a hug and there was this big sadness that came through both of us. She was visibly emotional and she asked me if I missed her. In this wave of emotion I said yes.


She asked me if I would like to come away with her and her statment implied that she would take away my sadness. I told her that wouldn't be possible. I told her I had to leave soon, but I was glad she found me and I would like to spend my last hour in town talking to her and catching up. She looked really good and she said she was engaged to a man through an arrangement and she wasn't happy about it, but due to circumstances she had no other choice. She said he was a very rich man and could provide very well for her which was evident to me in the way she was dressed. We both seemed to know it was the best thing for her.


It seemed like we kind of talked about the past, about why her and I didn't work out and I wanted to express some kind of caring towards her to let her know I was glad I could catch up with her and that I wished her well. She all of the sudden got very coy and she avoided eye contact with me and her body language got very closed off and she held a fan or a card or something in front of her face showing only her eyes. She wouldn't look at me. It was time for me to go and I wished her all the best and told her it was good to see her. It was a very bittersweet feeling. That was pretty much it. Strange, huh?

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have you been thinking about her lately?


I find that when I think about a girl, and if I have the slightest interest in her - boom, she jumps into my dream.


Funny enough, I've actually had only a few (2 or 3) dreams about my girlfriend. Whereas I've had way more about other girls.

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Well, you see, dreams are in a sense extension of reality, in dreams, sometimes you have the chance of solving problems from real life, reflect on your emotional state, and fulfill desires that did not get fulfilled in real life.

The way I see it is that the letter you received from your ex a couple of months ago has evoked some unconcious feelings, emotions and desires in you.

In a way you really wanted to talk to your ex, catch up and just bring about some memories from the happpy relationship that you had, but since your ex disappeared and did not reply again in real life, this desire got repressed into unconcious and was sitting there for a while as an unconcious desire.

At one moment it surfaced up into your dream, and thats where you solved your desire from real life.

Do not make too much of it, it just means that you perhaps missed your ex a bit and wanted to catch up, it doesnt have any ominous nature.

Best of luck to you.

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It's a bit of a drag if I think about it, but I don't usually. It is what it is. Our relationship was not the happiest for sure although I did love her and I know she loved me too. It was toxic because she had a lot of personal issues emotionally and with alcohol and she refused to acknowledge them and I refused for a long time (2 yrs.) to admit that I didn't belong with her. Like I said, she ended up going back to Europe because she had nowhere else to go. She drank herself out of her relationship, home, job and car and was headed straight for the streets. Myself and her employer did everything to try and help her but she wouldn't help herself. Sucks, but it was a long time ago. I'll always be changed because of that but the wounds have healed. I do think of her once in awhile and when I do, I just hope that she is well, safe and happy. But I've moved on. I think that letter did stir up some feelings and maybe that's why I had the dream. Oh well, I just wish her well. Life goes on.

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I think that your consciousness is still missing her and your thoughts are still dealing with it in your dreams. It is true, because in your dreams you also told her that you missed her. Also I think that there still are some unfinished actions in the past and unspoken words. I don't know if I should tell you to contact her and to talk about everything once in your lifetime SINCERELY. Would it help for you? You must decide. You shouldn't tell her about your dream, it would be too strange. But just to talk about the things you didn't tell her until today. Things that you still keep in your heart and minds. If you want to easy your heart and head, but you don't want to talk to her because of some reasons then one moment just spare some quality time for yourself and start writing yourself anything what comes into your head about all of this. When you will be finished put this 'note to yourself' somewhere (when other couldn't find it). Keep it until one day you will read it again and understand that everything is fine with those things in your life. Believe me, that day will really come.


P.s. if thinking paranormally, I also believe that there is a second layer life where you really meet those people and those people meet you. But it has nothing to do with real life, so in real life it doesn't change anything. What if?

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