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30 yr old men.


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I have interest in a 30 yr old guy. I don't know if he likes me, but I really have it for him. I was wondering, would a man this age be interested in a 21 yr old female and what is important to a man this age? What behaviors and cares does a 30 year old man have as opposed to one in his early 20's ?

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I was 29 when I meet my 21yr old ex gf. Dated for 1.5 yrs.. we got along great only problem we had which eventualy broke us up. Is she was still growing,maturing, needed to go they what ifs in her life. And she was still about partying hard..


Other then that we were great together

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Most of the time problems in a relationship comes from individual differences and not because of the age. 30 year old is not that old. Try to find out what kind of person he is and what sorts of stuffs he likes to do. You have to have at lease some similarities. You are 21, and if he turns out to be the 30 year old who wants to settle down, that could be a problem.


My whole point is, just because he is big 30, it does not mean he will not be compatible with you. Try to find out his personalities and what kind of person he his because thats what that matters.

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Maturity, lifestyle, ambitions, plans, amount of drama in her life, independent and living on their own.


You will be hard pressed to find a single guy that wouldn't want to be with a girl that is 9 years younger at first but time will tell if it could be anything more than just dating for the reasons I stated above.


Talk to him, touch his arm when he says something funny and laugh, make eye contact and smile. If he isn't a knucklehead he will get the idea.


Good luck



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Maturity, lifestyle, ambitions, plans, amount of drama in her life, independent and living on their own.


You will be hard pressed to find a single guy that wouldn't want to be with a girl that is 9 years younger at first but time will tell if it could be anything more than just dating for the reasons I stated above.


Talk to him, touch his arm when he says something funny and laugh, make eye contact and smile. If he isn't a knucklehead he will get the idea.


Good luck





Yeah, I haven't seen him in a while though. I found out he is divorced and has a child. I like him, but maybe it's hopeless. I mean, Ive never had a boyfriend, I am a virgin and what does a more mature guy like that want from me? I do have an old soul, though. I never party, I spend my spare time at the bookstores or at Starbucks, I have great morals. I don't know...

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Yeah, I haven't seen him in a while though. I found out he is divorced and has a child. I like him, but maybe it's hopeless. I mean, Ive never had a boyfriend, I am a virgin and what does a more mature guy like that want from me? I do have an old soul, though. I never party, I spend my spare time at the bookstores or at Starbucks, I have great morals. I don't know...


You sound like a great catch. Give yourself some credit, I know a lot of women your age and some of them are WORN OUT already from partying and a crappy lifestyle.

Don't tell yourself it's hopeless before you even try, don't ask yourself 'what would he want from somebody like me?' etc. Fire up that self esteem!

Nothing wrong with a date or whatever to see if you're compatible. lostandhurt has great advice. Good luck to you!

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So, what do you think a man that is 29 years old, divorced and already has a child looks forward to in life? This isn't me judging, trust me, I know downfalls are bound to happen in life. I just thought, Would they still want companionship/love? I am sure they would want a lady that they could somehow be a mother figure to their child. What goes on inside the mind of a divorced man? Will they ever want love again?

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Believe it or not, I'm a 30 year old guy who is interested in a much younger (early 20's girl) and I'm just gonna tell you straight up, she's mature, fun to be around, we have LOTS of the same interests and she's just different than other girls I've met lately. Having said that, age doesn't matter so long as you feel a connection with someone, at least in my books.

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So, what do you think a man that is 29 years old, divorced and already has a child looks forward to in life? This isn't me judging, trust me, I know downfalls are bound to happen in life. I just thought, Would they still want companionship/love? I am sure they would want a lady that they could somehow be a mother figure to their child. What goes on inside the mind of a divorced man? Will they ever want love again?


Yes they will. You said in your other threads that you are pretty inexperienced...I would say it's not wise to start your first relationship with a guy who has been married and also has a kid. You are new to dating game and you have to figure yourself out, why not go out with people who have more in common with you and perhaps gain some experience first before falling into a serious committed relationship? I think if you don't do it now, chances are you will want to do it in a few years.

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