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Sex issues....


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Hey, folks. I've been dating a guy for three months. He's in his early 30s. The relationship has been going well but there's one major issue: we rarely have sex. We didn't even go to his place (I don't live on my own) until two months in, so for two months all we were really doing was kissing every now and then, so I guess the aftermath hasn't been incredibly surprising. In the past month or so I have slept over at his place every weekend and about three weeknights, and we've only had sex every other week or so. The oddest thing is, he will kiss me and cuddle me and tell me how great I am and he will even initiate fooling around (short of sex,) but once I'm "done" he will make an excuse like he's "tired" and tell me he's fine not getting off, and just go to sleep. I've asked him a few times whether he doesn't enjoy sex and whether this is something I'm just going to have to learn to deal with if we stay together (which I'm willing to do, at least for now) and he's basically said that we have enough sex and he's made it sound like I'm just exaggerating.


What do you think is going on here? What do you think is causing this? Am I expecting too much? Has anyone either been in his shoes or been in my shoes, and if so, what was the end result? Shots in the dark more than welcome too....

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