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Am i cursed with bad luck?


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Ever since i was younger i used to hang out with my neighbor and my mum always told me that her mum was jealous of my beauty. So she wouldn't let her daughter play with me and she always had that envious look on her face when she saw me. I was young at the time so i didnt know much about jealousy and envy. As i grew older alot of people would look at me and i would ignore it sometimes and sometimes it would worry me. Bad things started happening to me,i had a tv fall onto my head and had trouble keeping my grades up. I would feel weak,tired and got sick for no reason. I would cry and get depressed. I felt extremely alone and i met a guy who stole and lied to me,he also cheated on me. My whole world was falling apart,i became ugly,fat and a failure. My parents were upset and disappointed in me,they hated the guy i was with. My studies fell apart and I even tried to commit suicide once,i took a bunch of pills until i felt sleepy. I didnt die and it only made me feel worse. I gave up on believing in God,i swore God even because I taught he wasnt there for me ever and he only blessed his favorites..


Nothing was going well in my life,i couldn't communicate with my parents coz they never understood. I began eating alot and smoking when nobody was around. I didnt know who i became anymore,i would get evil dreams at night,felt something was strangling me. It was awful. Then i broke up with my then bf. It felt like a big rock had been lifted off my shoulders....i lost the weight...i stopped smoking. I started to find myself again,people would compliment me and look at me. I felt better again and started gyming and eating well. But i still had bad luck,its like a curse had been planted within me and i cant seem to get rid of it. I would still feel depressed,angry,sad and suffered anxiety attacks. Once i got sick for no reason,i landed in hospital..doctors found nothing wrong..my body felt numb,i felt like i eas dying. I was sent home and was in bed for days. My mum would say my neighbor got a great job and her own car and i would think if maybe her mother put a curse on me when i was younger so that i wouldnt progress and would become sick and die....


I felt like an old lady stuck in a young body..not even my family understood. Nobody paid attention when i spoke,i couldnt find a good job,im still saving to buy my first car. Im now 24 and i work as a receptionist,its the only job that I could find. SOmetimes i feel like my body is here but my soul is not. No friends, no guardian angel,nobody..

Does anybody know how to remove a curse??

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Your thread title asks if you're cursed with bad luck... and to this I am inclined to say a firm no.


I do not believe in luck, or curses etc. I acknowledge that there is much in this world I can't begin to comprehend, but to think that in any way that external random events that happen to me can be controlled by the will of others, well, that's just a frightening thought to me. Unless there is proof, tangible proof, that someone is doing anything against me then they are not.


Good on you for losing the weight, dropping a destructive relationship, for stopping smoking, for taking positive and healthy action in your life.


Look, a friend of mine recently applied for a position as a receptionist and was rejected. I'd be happy you have a job, a receptionist is solid, and if it is definitely not where you want to be then continue the positive action you started and peruse something else.


Life isn't easy. But that is NOT because you are cursed.


You may not have friends, or a guardian angel, or anybody... (but it sounds like you have a family to support you?), so you must look after your self.


You can change your future, no one else can.


Have you recovered from your episode of ill health? I hope so. If so embrace your able body and just go for it!


I hope you find your motivation. I'll send some good vibes your way.

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Thank you That made me smile I want to be positive and a good person. I have so many dreams that everytime i think its coming true it blows up in my face. Im grateful to have a job and yes i have my family to depend on. I always wish i had a better future and its just those evil dreams i have that lead me to thinking im cursed by some evil.


My body isnt always good...it effects me in so many ways,like there are days when i feel so ill that i wont leave the house. Then there are days when i get paranoid and have anxiety attacks. The good days come very seldom for me where ill just wanna go shopping and be outdoors. My body is different now,sometimes i wish i could control it to be a certain way, but thats life..

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