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My boyfriend and I had sex the other day without using a condom. I know we should use protection - we were both virgins and have only slept with each other so I feel confident that we don't have any diseases and I am on the pill. Anyways, this was the first time we had unprotected sex (we have always used a condom before). Anyways, after he came and pulled out, some of his cum came out of me and it made like a girgling sound. Both of us were surprised by this and it was a little embarrassing. I was wondering if this is a normal occurrence, if I am just really tight (we have only been having sex for about a month), or if he was not in far enough when he came. Also, how can we prevent this from happening again because it was embarrassing and kinda killed the mood. Of course we laughed about it later but I don't want it to happen again. Any advice would be nice. Thanks

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Like fantasia said there really isn't much u can do about it sometimes it happens sometimes it doesnt. If you want to have unprotected sex and be sure it won't happen ask him to pull out before he cums but then you might find that even more embarrassing. The best solution is to use a condom and its much safer to use one is well

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Sweetheart....LOL....That sound may have been air sucked into your vagina. LOL sometimes when your vaginal walls are contracting it causes air to enter and the wetness adds to the farting sound. lol. Some girls can make themselves do that...its a queev


and by the way....alot of guys don't know when they are going to cum. I know you're on the pill and that u guys were virgins....but sweetheart u really don't want to risk it....my best friend and roomate's boyfriend went to orlando florida....he was a good guy didnt think hed ever do anything like cheat on her or anything....really sweet guy always did the right thing and loved her unconditionally ....he went on a trip to orlando and slept with another girl.....he ended up coming back and giving her herpees.....i know this might sound mean and i dont mean to put your boyfriend down in anyway.

IT IS YOUR BODY...YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH IT....YOU DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT SOMETHING SO HORRIBLE...YOUR BODY IS YOUR TEMPLE....SO DO THE RIGHT THING TO PROTECT IT....no matter how bad you want sex....DON'T BE SILLY WRAP YOUR WILLY. 1 out of every 5 people has a sexually transmitted disease.....you don't want to make the same mistake my friend made....please if not for yourself....do it for others that wouldnt want to see u suffer with a disease....

the sadest part about it is that shes only 20 and she goes to college......she so BEAUTIFUL and SMART. It's a horrible thing to live with. Could you imagine if he came back with HIV. Always protect yourself!

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  • 1 year later...

I agree with the_tiger_striped_cat She's on the fircken pill. Why on earth does she need a condom if they were both virgins? Avoid the soud but having him cum inside you. You odn't need a condom unless you are worried about STDs. To start condom have almost flawless STD protection but they have a ridiculously high failure rate when it comes to pregnancy, like above 10% for regular sex for a year. SO they aren't any good for protecting against pregnancy anyway. That pill have a less than 1% failure rate for regular sex for a year. I have to wonder if abcd1234 and tRiK$Ta have ever been in a long term relationship because honestly nobody in a monogamous relationship while on the pill still uses condoms. One they kill the feeling for guys and two there is absolutely no point whatsoever.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I agree with the_tiger_striped_cat She's on the fircken pill. Why on earth does she need a condom if they were both virgins? Avoid the soud but having him cum inside you. You odn't need a condom unless you are worried about STDs. To start condom have almost flawless STD protection but they have a ridiculously high failure rate when it comes to pregnancy, like above 10% for regular sex for a year. SO they aren't any good for protecting against pregnancy anyway. That pill have a less than 1% failure rate for regular sex for a year. I have to wonder if abcd1234 and tRiK$Ta have ever been in a long term relationship because honestly nobody in a monogamous relationship while on the pill still uses condoms. One they kill the feeling for guys and two there is absolutely no point whatsoever.


Woah buddy, chill out. There are a lot of people in monogamous relationships that use condoms and the pill. It's like having backup for the first line of defense...

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I agree with the_tiger_striped_cat She's on the fircken pill. Why on earth does she need a condom if they were both virgins? Avoid the soud but having him cum inside you. You odn't need a condom unless you are worried about STDs. To start condom have almost flawless STD protection but they have a ridiculously high failure rate when it comes to pregnancy, like above 10% for regular sex for a year. SO they aren't any good for protecting against pregnancy anyway. That pill have a less than 1% failure rate for regular sex for a year. I have to wonder if abcd1234 and tRiK$Ta have ever been in a long term relationship because honestly nobody in a monogamous relationship while on the pill still uses condoms. One they kill the feeling for guys and two there is absolutely no point whatsoever.


Woah buddy, chill out. There are a lot of people in monogamous relationships that use condoms and the pill. It's like having backup for the first line of defense...


Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong whatsoever with using both. If for whatever reason you choose to go ahead but honestly it annoys me how everyone responses to her by preaching about how she should do something she clearly doesn't want to do that isn't necessary. Is it so hard to have a thread that doesn't turn into preaching nonsense. She lives in the states I'm sure she's already gone through her fair share of scare tactics.

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okay i think her post was about her sounds not her protection methods lol. Anyways, it happens all the time as you keep having sex. The first time for me was super embarrassing too! but it is mostly when you do it doddy style or spread yourself out too much. It can cause air to go in there and when he pulls out the air makes a sound with the wetness. Don't worry, as you keep having sex, you will realize when you got air in there. Sometimes you feel it uncomfortable. If you start to feel the air in there, then just ask him to pull out and then let the air out. It might make the sound, but at least he knows your not farting or something lol

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