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Hi for the last few years i have been in an on off relationship with a girl and it drained me of all confidence


Anyway at last i met a girl that i really dig and we have been out a few times as 'friends'


To avoid ending up as the lost puppy i basically told her how i felt and got the old 'i am independent adn free' and if i could i would stuff which i believe is genuine.


Anyway we went out after that and it was stressed it wasnt a date it was put down as just bad timing as she didnt wanna get it on with anybody right now but she liked me alot.


Maybe i read into things too much but in all texts i get a big kiss even if i dont send one myself


I dont want to pursue it and become one of those sad people as she has been honest enough to be straightand i have thanked her for opening a part of me that i thought was dead


Anyway i do like her and will hang out again and there is a part of me that says it might happen one day as she is very touchy feely around me


So girls what do you think?

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I think she likes you, and that you should go for it. Never know how it will work out till you take a chance. It is hard when you have been in a bad relationship in the past that takes your confidence. But if you like her and from what you wrote, she likes you, then have the confidence in yourself to try it out.

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thanks 4 advice mercury dreams


just to make it clearer


exact words were that she has been through hell and back and is proud and happy for herself and she believes. But 4 the record if she could she would as she thinks i am great! and that she likes me but she is a bit messed up in that deptartment


I was thinking maybe that was letting me down gently but then we went out 2 nights later. I am happy it is out in the open anyways and thought that it could be a slow burner and maybe i should just be cool and let her contact me next time whenever that will be as i am very wary of slipping into 'just friends' mode cos that can suck sometimes but at least i know she thinks i am cool


Any more thoughts?

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