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*Girls/women* 6-pack, slim, little belly, which u prefer?

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Im bored, just thought I would see what current females like in terms of their mans middle.


There was a craze (at least in my area) for 6-packs about 5 years ago. Now many girls seem to like a little belly as they find it "cute".


So what do u want?

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You'll probably get some interesting replies on this one.


My boyfriend has a slim, flat stomach with a slight 6-pack outline. He has a bit of meat on it, as most guys do who don't work out religiously, but you can still see definition. In fact sometimes I'm happy that he's not die-hard when it comes to working out. I've always found that men who work out too much or put too much effort into their appearance make me nervous.


OH - the best part is the "V" on the sides of the lower abdomen. If those are defined, there is simply nothing more attractive.


Nice broad defined shoulders compliment ANY male body too.

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I personally like guys who have a belly on them. Don't get me wrong I don't want a guy that looks pregnant or has a major beer gut or anything. I just like a little there in the middle. Although the abs are not the thing that I first notice on a guy anyway. I don't really even think about it.....

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I have always thought totally defined six packs were kind of gross looking. Maybe I'm just weird, but they just aren't attractive to me.


I wouldn't mind just a little muscle, or a little belly. I just don't really like a really toned six pack.


My boyfriend kind of has a little belly on him, although it still looks flat. Its perfect to me. I love it.

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I probably have the same taste as Maggie, totally-defined six packs aren't really appealing. But that's my taste though, I don't like men who are bulky. I'd rather see a somewhat-defined, flat stomach, not too muscular but not too flabby. And to me there is nothing wrong with a guy having a little meat to grab on to. I'd rather poke a guy on the stomach and feel something soft than end up poking him and hurting my finger.

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Yeah, if a guy looks like he spends an enormous amount of time on his appearance, I get turned off. On the other hand, a slob is definitely not appealing either. I don't mind a little bit of a tummy, especially if he has other attributes that are nice - good calves (I really don't like skinny legs on a guy), nice broad chest, toned arms...you get the idea.

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Maggie hit it right on. I feel the same as she does. In my case, I think it's the oppossites attract rule. I like a guy with a tad bit of belly....for insulation? As protective cushion? Nah. I'm kidding! But, I think that little bit of baby fat is cute. It's really comfortable to hug a guy who's got a bit of meat.


I also agree with Maggie, where she mentions abs looking kinda gross. Sure, cut and defined looking abs on a guy looks great, but I don't like bulky-looking muscles on a guy. It's kinda intimidating. Maybe it's because as a kid, I always thought of them as looking like 'Glazed Turkey'. You know, when body builders compete in those shows that you see on tv, and rub on that oil to make themselves look shiny, to enhance the apperance of their muscles? Ew. Yuk! It completely grossed me out since then. I'm not saying that all of the muscle men aren't attractive. I can't emliminate 2-Pac. He's hot.


Skinny men are cute too. When I went to homecoming with a guy back then, it felt like we were two bone bags dancing together. That's why I prefer a bit of cushion, just a tiny bit. But I certainly don't want my man to have a Santa Clause looking beer-belly either. I guess in between is okay. I like a guy who's got a bit of meat, and has cut arms. Not bulky looking arms. Just a little cut and lean. 8)


I know. Confusing. I guess it all depends on the guy. You see, for me, if I fall in love with a guy, even if he does gain a little weight, I still find him attractive, because I love him for who he is. My ex went from 180-200 lbs, and I still thought of him as my sexy Macho Man!

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