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Languages You Always Wanted to Learn <3


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I'm fairly fluent in English (it is my mother tongue) and Spanish (three years of it are required if you live in the L.A. area, most people speak it to some degree), and I am starting to learn Mandarin and Cantonese from my students, but I'm not very good yet, especially in Cantonese!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Arabic is very difficult to learn especially because each country speaks it differently. For example if you learn only Egyptian Arabic you won't be able to understand Labanese or Saudi Arabic. Even within the same arab country people from different areas speak it differently. If you're planning on learning Arabic it's gonna take a lot of effort.

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I currently speak english and spanish fluently, but i wanna learn Italian, japanese, french, and i cant believe that im the first one to mention this one, but i wanna learn TURKISH its like awesome and i lose my mind when it come's to turks Turkey has some of the sexiest men

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I would like to learn Apache or one of the more remote native tribe languages. Lots of history and it would be my goal to have a conversation about the historical aspects of their culture. I have a good friend that is linguistically gifted and I loved how he picked up enough Basque (Northern Nevada) to joke and get comfortable with the locals of that area. Beautiful women as well. LOL

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I would like to learn Apache or one of the more remote native tribe languages. Lots of history and it would be my goal to have a conversation about the historical aspects of their culture. I have a good friend that is linguistically gifted and I loved how he picked up enough Basque (Northern Nevada) to joke and get comfortable with the locals of that area. Beautiful women as well. LOL


Native American languages are very hard to learn what I have heard, but some of the tribes has language teaching sites in the web I heard some tribes has even own words to use for women and for men I agree with beautiful people!!!!!!

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  • 1 month later...

I already know some Japanese, though not enough to live in Japan (just enough so I can help a tourist), and I forgot almost all the Spanish I learned in high school. One thing I may want to do after graduating is resume learning them.


German sounds interesting too. My grandmother took German when she was in high school, but even though I went to the same high school as her, they didn't have it

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  • 3 weeks later...
Man I want to learn so many languages! I basically love any Latin, Germanic, or Scandinavian languages.









Irish Gaelic





I would try Afrikaans first-it's fairly easy and Dutch is super easy to transition to from Afrikaans. The languages are so close that you can pretty much understand one if you know the other (not perfectly of course, but you get the idea).


Good luck with Icelandic-sounds like one heck of a challenge!

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Latin, Italian, French, Russian, fortran, SQL, script, and klingon. Perhaps portugese. Spent years on spanish and determined I'm not meant to be a C-3P0.


Oh yeah, and I remembered on more...


In fact, if I learned this one, all others would not matter.


I need to learn whatever language that is females communicate in; the one where up is down, down is left, left is reverse, and reverse is square. If I could get that one down, I'll have it made.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I had more free time to learn a language I'd learn spanish (again), russian, and japanese. I live in an area with a big hispanic population and spanish would help alot. Especially picking up hispanic girls . Half of my relatives are japanese and I want to be able to talk to them when I visit again. Sign language would be interesting to learn to.

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That's awesome you're learning French! I took three years of it back in middle school and high school and loved it.. it's a really beautiful language! I really would love to study Latin, Japanese, Chinese, and Italian. I really want to buy Rosetta stone, but it's pretty much at the bottom of my priority wish list right now lol.

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Native American languages would be interesting. My guy is a Native American, but unfortuneately, their language is hardly used and there is no learning. I think they're trying to bring it back but I'm not sure.


I've always wanted to learn French since the second grade. Even bought a French dictionary at that age, haha. Love to learn Latin and Italian, get into my roots of my ancesters. Wouldn't mind Spanish, German.


Luckily, I'm raised bilingual so I know English and ASL.

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