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Languages You Always Wanted to Learn <3


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I'm already fluent in French, and know a little Spanish.. So I'd say improve Spanish, Italian, and Latin..


Although Inuktitut would be a random language that would be interesting to know. Especially at Christmas! So many words for snow! lol


Ha ha in that case, I shall learn Inuktitut if I ever go to Canada. LOL

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I'm a language geek....I always want to know more! Seriously I can't get enough of languages....I go to evening classes in my spare time because I love it so much.

I speak Dutch, French, English and Mandarin Chinese.


Currently I'm learning Swedish and Japanese in evening classes.

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I love languages too. I studied three foreign languages at the same time for several years - but it is a lot, and I wouldn't necessarily recommend it. For me, it's much more valuable to speak one language truly well than to know smatterings of a few.


Right now, I would like to continue my study of Arabic and become truly proficient in it. Next language I would learn would be Persian. Beyond that ... I think that would be enough for me at this time in my life.

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I tried to study languages by books or cd's, but it's just not working for me....I have to study them in school. I learned some languages in high school, one in university and now I'm learning some by evening classes. If I don't go to classes in one form or another, I find I can not learn a language properly...it's good to have the grammar etc. explained by a teacher who's proficient in the language!

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I tried to study languages by books or cd's, but it's just not working for me....I have to study them in school. I learned some languages in high school, one in university and now I'm learning some by evening classes. If I don't go to classes in one form or another, I find I can not learn a language properly...it's good to have the grammar etc. explained by a teacher who's proficient in the language!


lol in that case good-bye rosetta stone's.


Would it be better if I just watch movies in different languages? Rewatch it. LOL That might help.


Very true! Unfortunately, the professors here want money before teaching. LOL So I can't do much.

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Yeah but what good is watching movies in different languages if you don't get the basics of the grammar etc? I think it would be really hard to try and make sense of a language that way. But hey, that's me.


I'm also not saying books and cd's are a bad method, I just found it's not a good method for me personally.


And I agree with you on the money issue....however I'd rather spend a few 100 dollars a year going to evening classes one time a week and learning a language than sitting in a bar every weekend and spending it on drinks, if you know what I mean. But again, that's just me.

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Yeah but what good is watching movies in different languages if you don't get the basics of the grammar etc? I think it would be really hard to try and make sense of a language that way. But hey, that's me.


I'm also not saying books and cd's are a bad method, I just found it's not a good method for me personally.


And I agree with you on the money issue....however I'd rather spend a few 100 dollars a year going to evening classes one time a week and learning a language than sitting in a bar every weekend and spending it on drinks, if you know what I mean. But again, that's just me.


;] You have a point, Ibu!


Thank you for the advice!!!

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How do you guys study the languages?


Any suggestions would be great! Thanks ya'll!


Immersion always works wonders, lol!


But since I'm assuming that's not an option classes work great. I find books work great for me, as long as they have some component that is written as well. I might also suggest checking to see if there are any cultural societies in your area that you could join with the aim of meeting people fluent it that language. I found a website once as well that actually has people that speak different languages meet up over Skype for conversations to teach you. It's free and practical as well. (sorry don't recall the URL off the top of my head)

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I'm a language geek....I always want to know more! Seriously I can't get enough of languages....I go to evening classes in my spare time because I love it so much.

I speak Dutch, French, English and Mandarin Chinese.


Currently I'm learning Swedish and Japanese in evening classes.

But do you speak those fluently?


And why.. Of all languages. Swedish. Why? Why?

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But do you speak those fluently?


And why.. Of all languages. Swedish. Why? Why?


I speak Dutch (mother tongue), French, English and Chinese fluently, yes.

Learning French and English was compulsory in high school already. I spent a couple of years studying Chinese at University level and lived in China for a while, so I'd like to think my level is "fluent".


My Swedish is at an intermediate level, and my Japanese is just at beginner level...I just started Japanese classes last September.

And why Swedish??


Why not?

I just thought it sounded like a cool language.

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I speak Dutch (mother tongue), French, English and Chinese fluently, yes.

Learning French and English was compulsory in high school already. I spent a couple of years studying Chinese at University level and lived in China for a while, so I'd like to think my level is "fluent".


My Swedish is at an intermediate level, and my Japanese is just at beginner level...I just started Japanese classes last September.

And why Swedish??


Why not?

I just thought it sounded like a cool language.


Aha. Dutchies are lucky with languages... So much for being a trade nation...


So if you're intermediate in swedish... Then... Forstår du hvad jeg siger?

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Aha. Dutchies are lucky with languages... So much for being a trade nation...


So if you're intermediate in swedish... Then... Forstår du hvad jeg siger?


I'm not from The Netherlands.


Och jaha, det kan jag förstå! Jag började lära mig svenska för fyra år sedan...mitt ordförråd är inte så stort, utan jag kan ha ett samtal på svenska utan inga stora problem, tror jag...

Så du är norsk, då?

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Man I want to learn so many languages! I basically love any Latin, Germanic, or Scandinavian languages.









Irish Gaelic





If you learn swedish or danish, you have 1 language less to learn haha.

And German is easy with swedish or danish.

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