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How would you tell a girl to be your girlfreind.

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I'm sidetracking a bit, but just wondering, how long have you guys been going out for? It's just something I've been wondering..when you can call someone your bf/gf, as I just started going out with someone but I sorta feel like it's going a bit fast..I think you can essentially call someone you're boyfriend/girlfriend when you feel comfortable around them enough & it's mutual - you don't necessarily have to ask..but if you're talking about going exclusive, I guess you should ask..I'm completely new to this dating stuff so I really don't know.

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Well I don't know much myself about this whole subject. The girl that I am trying to go out with is really busy. We both work together and both of us have a busy life style. She is an A+, B+ student and she takes pride in her work. So spending time together is actually really hard for us. Right now were working on it some more so we could do more things together.

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Yea I've got the extact same issue. Been on many dates, we both like eachother, but I don't know how to...make it "official" like boyfriend girlfriend thing. BeachDude I like your post, it's to the point and official was the exact word I was thinking of using to ask her.


Keeping rocking out with the Grand AM, I love my Pontiac too 0X

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I knew my girlfriend liked me for about 2 weeks (and I liked her too). But, for some reason I just didn't know how to make it official. And I just flat out asked her "will you be my girlfriend?" and she said yes very enthusiastically. I was very surprised at how easy it was (all the terms my peers have is so god damned confusing) and even though it wasn't the most thought out way to do it, it worked

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