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5 Years Later an Apology...

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Just mentioning something kinda weird and funny. I used to kinda date this girl back when I was 16/17 (first love kinda thing). Some of my friends told me she was going out with some other guy behind my back. I never really got to the bottom of the whole story, but it did seem like it happened at the time, so I stopped talking to her (long story, I was pretty crushed for many months). When I was 18, I tried to start up a relationship with her, and got rejected/burned. Ok, this is all kinda normal teenage stuff.


What is weird, is me 5 years later receiving an e-mail at 2 am from her apologizing for all she made me go through. ?? Seriously lol. I dunno, its kinda funny. Now she wants to be friends or something. I dunno people are weird.


And I guess I am too nice, because I asked her to explain what happened, that if she didn't I would rather not be friends. So she did (no idea if she lied or not, but I don't see why she would, unless she wants something else). And I accepted her apologies, kinda believe her, and am ok with being friends or whatever. I don't know, I just don't care to be honest.


Lol.. now she is adding me on facebook saying hi and stuff. Man, ex's are funny.

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Hmmmmm 2-3 years ago? I like her family a lot, principally her mom (very nice lady). I was pretty rude last time to be honest lol. I was being cordial, but then she had the guts to say "that after all this time, and things that happened we could still be friends". That hit a nerve lol. So yeah, I was pretty rude to her after she said that. Went along these lines. "Friends, because I am a cool guy, if I was anyone else, I would never talk to you again. Seriously, how could you have been soo stupid... blah blah blah" I was pretty harsh. I remember that I said that she acted in a very stupid way at least 3 times lol. Yeah.. not too proud of it now, but made me feel good at the time.


After that day I deleted her from msn, and didn't have anymore contact, till this lol.

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