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I have been broken up with my girlfriend for about 3 weeks now. We have made the mistake of talking and seeing each other since then. All we do is frustrate and confuse each other more. Because there are still feelings that we have, that we can't act upon.

Anyways, I have always been close to her little sister Amanda. I was around for a lot of things, she is sort of my baby sister. My ex and I have been sort of communicating with each other through her. Is this bad. We ask Amanda how the other is doing, and what they are up to. Is this bad??

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No it's not bad, as long as you don't *PRY* into one another's business. Just wondering and asking about it means you still care for each other, and it's considerate. As long as you don't pry or have her little sister as the messenger as in, "tell her i said ..blahblahblah" Unless it's like "hi" or something. I got a question: Why can't you act upon your feelings??



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I don't know why we can't express our feelings. I have tried and she has gotten uncomfortable about it. Like she is lying to herself about how she feels towards me. She says she loves me and misses me not being around, and when I do bring up my feelings she shuts down and starts to cry.

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Has she been hurt in the past? Hurt bad which now she is scared she'll get hurt again? Because if so maybe she knows deep down she cares for you/loves you but she can't let herself feel those feelings again because she is scared of getting hurt, again. Maybe when you mention it she gets upset and angry and starts to cry. Upset because she knows you care about her and she wants to feel the same and angry because she wants too but just can't get herself or let herself feel that way.




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