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Irritation on penis


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I'm a 21 year old guy. I had never had sex, my girlfriend is 22 and is also a virgin. We started fooling around a little in bed about a month and a half ago. I noticed that every time I play with her vagina with my penis it becomes extremely irritated, a burning sensation. I noticed that it gets much worse if I poke her with it, so I think it's probably from the vaginal fluid.


She is on anti-conception pills, if that matters. She takes them because she gets bad acne breakouts, and they supposedly help a lot.


Is what I'm experiencing normal at all? I read that it might be from an infection on her vagina, but she says she is not experiencing any symptoms. No rash, no discharge, no itching or anything like that.


What's going on?

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It's possible to have an infection without symptoms. I think the two of you should both get checked.


If I knew more about this then I would help. Applying some topical cream for the situation could help but you have no idea what it is in the first place. Best thing to do is talk with her and make sure you both get checked for STDs as it could ruin your sex life forever if you do not take the necessary precautions. On the other hand this could just be the fact that you two are virgins and the act of even the two of you just grazing each others sexual organs with one another could be giving off these certain sensations you are feeling. But do not take my word for it in all seriousness check with your doctor, get tested, then F like rabbits.

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