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Girls, Is this really cheesy?

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The other day i was outside a supermarket with my friend and i saw this girl walking towards the door and i said to my friend "dont look round now but the perfect looking girl for me is walking this way" Anyway it turned out he new her coz she works with him in the supermarket.


The next night he invited her out. she came out and sat opposit me for a little while but i didn't have the balls to talk to her.


Anyway she's working tomorrow in the supermarket and i had this idea but need some advice coz i don't know if it's romantic or cheesy. I'm thinking of making her a cd with 1 tune called Blowers Daughter by Damien Rice. If you havn't heard it the chorus goes "can't take my eyes off of you, can't take my mid off of you" etc Then i was gonna put i note in saying something along the lines of "the other night i couldn't take my eyes off of you. etc etc here's my number etc etc"


Do you think she'll think i'm some sort of stalker, will she think I'm cheesy or romantic? Girls help, what would you think if someone done this for you?





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Hey benjaminge,


How sweet! I would love it, but maybe you need to flirt with her first. Before you give the cd, first explore if she's responsive to a little eye-to-eye flirtation. Maybe go over her counter and make some small talk. Be friendly and show just enough interest but too much.


If you feel a bit of a vibe or chemistry, you'll not be so uncertain after giving the cd. So, don't do that too fast. Wait a couple of days and act aloof. Don't come on too strong. I would be swept of my feet if someone did that for me!!!


good luck!!



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Sorry, but I've had more than my share of people who do that, and quite frankly, I get creeped out by them, avoid them for the next year, and label them as stalkers.


Seriously. Never ever just surprise a girl who might not even know you exist like that. Flirt with her. Talk to her. Hang out with her. THEN, once you get to know her personality better, you'll find out if she's the kind who will get freaked out by this kind of thing or not.


But I think this is a rule that every guy really needs to get into his head. Confessing your feelings out of the blue for a girl who barely knows you is a baaaad baaaad idea, unless you're freakin' hot or famous.

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Well, there's certainly a varied response here to this idea...personally, I think it's an amazingly cool & romantic idea and if a guy did that for me I would be incredibly flattered - and unless he was a total kook, I would definitely go out on a date with him.

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