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Man of your dreams : LADIES


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IF you knew of someone that you liked, that was the person of your dreams. Someone, you find attractive, someone who has a personality that you like: Would you ask them out? Even though u are the girl? Even if you made yourself look stupid, big time - would u do it? Would you have the gumption enough to just GO with it?

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Yes. Of course.


One time I didn't even bother to ask. I just kissed him. I knew he liked me so it wasn't that scary. I asked out my boyfriend first (something he denies on a technicality).


However, if I didn't have that vibe that they liked me, I wouldn't make a move. I'm pretty good at telling. But, even I have my fears.


But, I am talking about someone that you don't REALLY know. Haven't really seen much of. Someone you have seen, made eye contact with, he winked at me, gave me a eyebrow flash. But it's all been pretty non-verbal. He is a manager for a chain of restaurants I worked for about last week - Friday was my last day. We never really talked. But, I am wanting to go to his job and ask him out. i know that may not be good - but I never see him and would Never ask him at work. He WAS NOT my manager, I just saw him, when he came in for minor things.


Should I?

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But, I am talking about someone that you don't REALLY know. Haven't really seen much of. Someone you have seen, made eye contact with, he winked at me, gave me a eyebrow flash. But it's all been pretty non-verbal. He is a manager for a chain of restaurants I worked for about last week - Friday was my last day. We never really talked. But, I am wanting to go to his job and ask him out. i know that may not be good - but I never see him and would Never ask him at work. He WAS NOT my manager, I just saw him, when he came in for minor things.


Should I?


Sure, go for it.


But I wouldn't be labeling him "man of your dreams" just yet. Way too much pressure on yourself. Right now, he's just a cute guy that you think things might go well with. Don't psych yourself out. =)

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Sure, go for it.


But I wouldn't be labeling him "man of your dreams" just yet. Way too much pressure on yourself. Right now, he's just a cute guy that you think things might go well with. Don't psych yourself out. =)


I feel like he is too cute for me. I am confident, but this makes me shaky. A few of the other girls I worked with thought he was HOT, but I don't know if they crush on him as I do. I was thinking, saying, "Hey, I worked at "insert place" and I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with me one day? Go eat and talk?"

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I feel like he is too cute for me. I am confident, but this makes me shaky. A few of the other girls I worked with thought he was HOT, but I don't know if they crush on him as I do. I was thinking, saying, "Hey, I worked at "insert place" and I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with me one day? Go eat and talk?"


If he's the manager, I'd go to the restaurant with a friend and tell the waiter that you want to speak to the manager. Tell him you used to work there and ask him how he likes the place. Then ask him what he recommends from the kitchen.


It's a bold move but it'd probably be fun.

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The question itself is flawed you, assume that the man if said ladies dreams poses all of the qualities she desired. However not all ladies, or guys know exactly what the man or women of their dreams could be. We just know who it is not.


It's assuming that we have a relationship with this person enough to understand that they have trustworthiness and an amount of honesty that only time can tell with out letting time tell the story.


Basically it would be claiming to know 100% that an unknown person with only known superficial traits is 100% compatible with you.


Besides that, they call them "Man of your dreams" for a reason. They only exist in your dreams, and if not, that doesn't mean said woman is the woman of his dreams.


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The "man of my dreams" would not be too shy to ask me out. If shyness wasn't the problem, then I'd assume he wasn't interested and I wouldn't bother. So no is my final answer.


Why assume that a guy isn't interested if he isn't shy? What have you got to lose by approaching a guy you like?

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Why assume that a guy isn't interested if he isn't shy? What have you got to lose by approaching a guy you like?


Because if he's not shy and he is interested, then what reason would he have not to approach? All I can think is that he might think I'm taken or he's taken himself (in which case, no thanks).


What have I got to lose? Well, I'd probably feel pretty humiliated for a long time afterward. A blow to the confidence is never pleasant.

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Do you think (non-shy) men ask out every woman they are interested in?


I cannot imagine a non-shy guy not wanting to ask out a girl he's very interested in if the circumstances are appropriate. As in, no one is in a relationship, there is some reciprocal flirting, and there are no unusual circumstances preventing them from being together (distance, ex boyfriend of best friend, etc).

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im a dude and if some chick came to me and kissed me.. i wouldnt be complaining about it... hell if she asked me out i would be fine with it too.. i have so many things on my mind during the day that i sometimes get lost as to who is right there infront of me.. so do it

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Wouldn't say "man of my dreams", but when I was a freshmen in college I got the gumption to ask a cute senior out! Obviously, he turned me down, but that experience was a thrill. Thankfully, that was the one and only time I asked a guy out. I suppose I got the courage when (at that time) I looked back and realized it was too late to do anything about my 3-4 year high school crush, one that was littered with teenage infatuation but no action. I was frustrated at myself for doing nothing on that one. To me college was a clean slate.


So to answer the question, yes, take the chance and ask. The worst he would say is no! This advice goes out to the gentlemen too.

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IF you knew of someone that you liked, that was the person of your dreams. Someone, you find attractive, someone who has a personality that you like: Would you ask them out? Even though u are the girl? Even if you made yourself look stupid, big time - would u do it? Would you have the gumption enough to just GO with it?


I think I probably would. When I was in college, I fell hard for a guy sitting near me, and I went out of my way to initiate conversation. As it turned out, he worked about 1 block from where I lived, so I casually suggested that it might be cool to have lunch sometime. He said OK, and we ended up getting married 8 years later. Granted, we're divorced now, but it was very amicable, we are good friends, and I wouldn't go back and change it for anything.

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