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suicide-a personal choice, not a wrong-doing.

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Suicide is judged harshly and looked down upon. It is often seen as wrong, insane, and/or selfish. The world judges almost every incident the same, though every person is different, as are their reasons. I am hoping to offer a different view to this subject...


I do not believe that suicide should be used every time someone feels the slightest amount of pain. Or that you should tell anyone who mentions it to go ahead.


There are people who:

*do not wish to leave when/how someone/something else decides

*do not want to grow old here

*want to leave how they choose

*want to leave at the same time as those they care about/love

(there are countless other things, but these are the ones i'm focusing on)


How can suicide for these reasons be considered any different from any other last wishes? For example, choosing to be buried or cremated, etc. In my opinion, if this is what someone chooses, it should be respected, as should any other decisions involving your own death.


Please reply with your opinion, whether you agree or disagree. I am strong in my belief of what I've written and wish to hear all opinions...



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It is difficult to argue with your opinion and ultimately someone who is going to commit suicide will not be swayed by whether it is legal or illegal, good or bad. The question is more a moral one than a question of logic. Society cannot condone the choice of suicide because to do so creates an environment whereby unstable people (suicidal) see it as a legitimised option to their problems. The issue with this is that too many people already commit suicide over fairly insignificant issues, issues that probably could have been resolved if assistance was sort somewhere else.

Suicide should remain an absolute last resort, not a legitimised, viable first instance option. That said....no one is ever going to be prosecuted for having committed suicide.

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Suicide is judged harshly and looked down upon. It is often seen as wrong, insane, and/or selfish.


The reason for this is because people don't want to lose family members,friends, etc. They think that if it is looked down upon or seen as wrong hopefully people won't do it. And that is good b/c you wouldn't want to lose your best friend, or your mom, siblings, or dad to suicide.


How can suicide for these reasons be considered any different from any other last wishes? For example, choosing to be buried or cremated, etc.


Being buried or cremated are natural things to do AFTER somebody dies. You make the decision to commit suicide while you are STILL ALIVE. Either way suicide is NOT natural. We weren't put on earth so we could just kill ourselves. Think of life as a gift not as a burden. Suicide is not respected b/c people who are close to you don't want you to leave them forever

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In my opinion, suicide is the last resort of someone who's life is ABSOLUTELY miserable and wont improve. Notice that I stress ABSOLUTELY, because some people inspite of having a lot of things other don't and would like to have, still feel like killing themselves just because they believe it's the best way to escape the problem.


What I'm trying to say is that in life, there are always going to be problems. Things will never run as smoothly as one expects them to, but as long as you see that your efforts are not pointless, you have to keep fighting. I'm sure important people have suffered because of being different, because of being better or maybe because they were not understood. They might have suffered even more than many other people, but if they had commited suicide, they would have never succeeded in their lifes.


Commiting suicide can also be a selfish decision, as you abandon your problems for someone else to solve them. The friends and family of the person who has died might feel guilty for not having helped him. They will suffer even more because of that someone who chose the "easy way out". Some of them might even kill themselves following the example they had.


I do believe that death comes when it's time to. There is no need to hurrying towards it. Life can change in any moment, why not stay a bit more in this world and wait if it does?


That's only my opinion


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ok well i agree completely with emptysoul it is a personal choice as is every thing. i believe that util u have expieienced truly wanting to kill your self you cant understand. you should be able to choose what you do with your life and how it ends.think about it if u had a disease and u were gonna suffer for a while before you die and u killed urself would that be wrong no it wouldnt. hold on to your beliefs and hang in there, later


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you know the saying "someones freedom ends when the freedom of the another begins"..

well, when somebody decides to make commit suicide they are affecting not only themselves, but the people around them, thats why its sometimes seen as a selfish act...

people are not free to affect other people's lives in a way they dont to be affected..

i believe that everyone here alive has a potential to fulfill, its a shame not to realise that your existence itself has meaning...our lives arent for us to choose when to end it, there are many people attached to it other than ourselves... and by the way it is known that people who commit sucide regret their decision at the last moment...

suicide is a very drastic decision to make, whatever the reason is it is not normal to actually attempt or seriously think about it... there is always more solutions to follow but they might not be as clear as the decision to commit suicide..and it is a pity that anyone can lose every single bit of hope...in the end it is also a result of what we do to each other..

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I would definitely kill myself if I was drafted into war, and there was no way for me to dodge it.

I don't feel that anyone has the right to force me to live in a living hell and fight a war I could care less about. It's my life, and I never want to have anything to do with the military.

The only reason this has crossed my mind is the constant talk EVERYWHERE even on the news about them trying to restart the draft so that millions of people can be ripped away from everything and forced to fight or whatever against their will.

lets see,...

(a) go somewhere I don't wanna go, train in things I don't wanna train in,.. then go to some country I don't wanna go to, and risk intense pain and just be plain miserable and scared and possibly die some horrible death or be disabled for no good reason,.. or If i do survive, be totally messed up in the head.

(b) or die at home,painlessly, quickly,.. having never experienced the horrors that they'd force me into, with mostly good memories to warm me in my last minutes....


choice B is the only choice for me.


.........that is,.. of course,.. IF they do the draft agian and I can't get out of it.

Probebly with a sheet of paper taped on my shirt saying.. "Draft This"

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i don't think it's ever an answer. life can suck, and it may seem like it will never get any better. but if we have this attitude, then yeah, it probably won't. life goes on and we can learn from things. this too shall pass. if we only stay strong and realize life is a gift, then we'll see how great it can be. life is hard, but everyone is worthy of living it fully and everyone deserves to be here. some peope think they are so meaningless no one will care, but they will. i promise, you're worth more than you think. suicide is never the answer. contact me if you want, take care


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When my sister was 14 and i was 12, she met this awesome guy. To me, he was like the brother that i never had. This was my sisters first love and their relationship lasted for 4 years. When it ended everyone missed having him around and when we did see him again, he gave away his personal possessions, in preparation to move interstate. It never accured to us that he was suffering from depression or maybe even a drug problem because he was always happy and i guess he hid it well. As a result of him not seeking help, this very special person is no longer with us today. It's a damn shame. He was only 20 years old, my big brother. Now, i am 22 and i can tell you that life for this young man had hardly begun.


So no, I do not believe in suicide, i think it's weak. Don't let the hard times beat you because god might drag you back to this land of suffering until you learn!

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I have to disagree with the above statement that suicide is weak. I think that it takes a great amount of courage to go through with it. I mean think about what you have to face knowing that at a certain time you are going to end your life, not knowing what lays beyond this world and dealing with the fact that you will never see any of the people you love again.


Although I do not agree with suicide itself. I know things always get better, but let me tell you that when things get really bad it gets hard to believe that things will ever get better.

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I agree. Whenever I read threads like this, saying that things will get better, that suicide is wrong, it is selfish, and all that jazz, how many people have been in the situation where they actually wanted to commit suicide? Have you ever been at the end of your tether, and you just can't see a point in living? Have you ever felt so bad, that all you could do was lay in bed and cry? Have you ever never wanted to wake up again because you knew that the next day would still be filled with the same, heavy, burdensome feeling of pain, suffering, and sadness? I know I've been there, several times, for several years, and I have to say that committing suicide isn't entirely selfish. Often times, people who kill themselves think they are doing the world a favour by ending their lives. People who kill themselves are just so sad, so depressed, and just cannot think rationally. It is almost as if they are another person. Of course, there will always be better days, the future can be bright, everything can be fine again. But when you feel this way, you are blind to everything, including yourself.


Sometimes it is just a matter of finding someone who will listen to you, who understands, and who can really just make you see that things are going to be okay... Some suicidal people never find that person. I was lucky enough to have met someone who felt the same.


And I also don't know how anyone can actually say that at the last minute people who kill themselves regret it at the last second. How would anyone know how these people are thinking if they are dead? Or are we talking suicide survivors?



Suicide is not normal. Yeah, well there are a lot of things that aren't "normal". A suicidal person doesn't live in normal situations, they don't think normally, because more often than not they have problems that surpass the problems of other "normal people." Or they have a psychological problem or mental disorder that causes them to want to kill themselves. Even people who are clinically depressed who take medication as an alternate solution kill themselves, because in some cases, the medication makes it worse, especially if it is not taken religiously.



And it is also hard not to let the hard times beat us, because sometimes all we are used to is hard times beating us. Maybe we just don't know what the good times are like. Why should we continue to live, if all we know is sorrow?


Anyways... Sorry for this long post, but I thought that I might pop in and say something, because I've been there.

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  • 3 weeks later...
It is often seen as wrong, insane, and/or selfish.

I believe that it is selfish. There are other people in the world that depend on that person. And if that person decides to give up their life they are destroying other peoples support systems. People are put on earth to help other people so if a person decides to end their life they can't help the people they were supposed to help. I also think they take the easy way out. They don't want to try to make things work or they aren't trying to continue until the good begins to show. That's how I feel.


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