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Penis Size

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Due to the ongoing questions regarding the size of the penis, I have put together some information about it which will hopefully help out those who are curious about it.


The site below has quite a lot of information regarding the size and girth of the penis. The effects of age and race etc. However it is mentioned through out that, that in many of the graphs there were limited subjects, which could effect the results. However, the writer points out that his results are similar in findings to Kinsey et al, who have done much research in the area.


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*From the test we can see that the average adult erect penis is of approximately 6 inches. With an average range of 5inches (the lower average) to 7 inches (the higher average).


*The average adult erect penis girth is approximately 5.1 inches. With the average range (40-60%) between 4.9 inches to 5.3 inches.


*We can also see that height seems to have a slight effect on the size of penis, which is logical as things are kept in proportion.


*It would appear that the average erect penis is at its full stage of growth at 16. HOWEVER, I would like to stress that this is the average and thereforeeee people can vary a lot depending on what stage of puberty they are at. thereforeeee you may only be 4 inches at 16, but that does not necessarily mean that you will not grow anymore, it maybe that you are just a late developer. I would like to stress that there is no point asking what the average size is of ** year old boy is when it can't really be answered. It all depends on when you start puberty and when your body decides to stop growing.




You can even join in here and give in your own results. Not only does this survey back up other research showing the average erect penis size, the website has much more information to help you.


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The survey shows that the average erect length is 5.5- 6inches. This is slightly less than the website above seems to have on its findings. I would like to point out that in both tests the penis size was measured by the subject and not measured by a 3rd party. thereforeeee the results are likely to be overestimated. For some reason, people are not comfortable admitting their exact size and often add a little more to it . thereforeeee I would like to point to the second websites results as being more reliable than the top as they indicate a smaller size.


If anyone has some more helpful information/links etc. feel free to add to thread. Avman might even sticky it if the information is good enough.

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Would like to mention that, almost all the nerves are within the first 4 inches of their vaginas, and have little to no feelings beyond that, except if you bump into something back there and that is painfull! for them. I know, certain positions can get me way too deep.


I am not saying size doesnt matter, it sure does, first in a psychological way, the man feels more "confident" so he acts that way. and if the woman "believes" bigger is better, than its going to feel better for her because after all, sex begins in the head.


Physically Bigger could be better, if your talking about girth, being wider, will give her a lot more sensation then lets say, having an extra inch.


So physically its possible for a man with 4" to be just as effective as 6' when it comes to pleasing a woman, at least in theory. Like I said, most is in the mind.


How you romance her, and how you do foreplay, is just as important, technique is all part of it.

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I have always been a fan of the following rule. It is not the size that matter it is how you use it that counts. If you are a good lover then your partner will have no problems if you have a four inch penis. Size is all in your head boys it is how you use it that counts.

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here have been some things i have learned.


if you dont have good friction with a woman, try new positions or better yet make sure you ring her bell orally first.


lets face it if we are under 7 inches the fantasy of "splitting" her in two really caters to our sense of power and maleness. but most women may fanatasize about large now and then, a healthy woman will not trade it for good loving with someone they love.


i also have used the rule of repeat business. if they keep coming baclk for more, then i must be doing something right.


of the (cough cough) more then a few women i have been with this is very true, being a good lover is mroe important. i talked with someone i have dated last night, she mentioned there was two things, it hurts if too big and one of the "larger" gents was lame in bed.


im not big, im not small, but she clearly wants to get me back in bed. so see repeat business rule.


become a good lover if you cant achieve great friction. be empathic to their physical needs, switch between strong and tender, but always, always make sure the arrive in the station first. we know we will get there, for women its not always certain.

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It should be noted that men with huge penises are not likely to be surfing web sites about penis size as much as those with titchy ones, so that could also skew the results a bit.


The opposite could be true. There may be many people out there wanting to brag about the size of their member? It doesn't say where the surveys were taken from so im guessing its a random survey and thereforeeee it would be a fair survey.

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From my perspective, I prefer a guy who is nice to me to a guy who has a big penis. I think that guys are the ones who focus so much on the size of their penis, when they should be thinking how they can make the woman happy in the relationship.


We all know that sex is good and that it can be better, but everything is that way. Balance is the key to servival, not how big your penis is. We need people who will raise kids, not a large penis.


My sense is that if you love and care about someone, you will put their happiness above your own.


I think that people in relationships need to make love as often as possible. This is how to keep the attraction alive.


We all know that we pick a partner for how they make us feel emotinally, not how physically appealing they are.

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sisterlynch made some good points I also would rather a man who treats me as an equal with respect and is loving to me than a man who has a big penis and gilgamesh made a good point about the womans vagina. As long as a man is out to please a woman his size to me would not matter I rather have a man with a 4in. penis who keeps giving than a 7in who rolls over and goes to sleep once he is done good foreplay and the motion of the ocean is what counts for me!

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I agree with the women who have replied to this post. I would rather have a guy (and I do) who cares about my needs, and my wants, and doesn't always put himself first. I enjoy a man who appreciates cuddling, and talking, and making out, etc. Sex is great, but it's everything that leads up to it, and follows it, that makes it memorable. Just like too small can pose an issue with orgasm time, too big can make sex awkward and just plain painful. So the average size is average for a reason, and to me it's not really that big of a deal. Plus, just like men say for women, I agree that a man with confidence is the sexiest thing out there. It doesn't matter the car that you drive, just be happy and proud that it runs!!!!

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There were two times when the men mentioned that the outer portion of the vagina is the most sensitve, which I guess is true, but the entire body on a woman, and I think that is true for the men, is really an erogenous zone just waiting to be utilized. How many guys with great personalities have the most beautiful woman with them? Is that woman worried about his penis size? Well maybe she is, but if the guys is a great guy, he can make love to her with many other parts of his body other than just his penis and the outer third of her vagina!!

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I went to the first website listed in the original post, and it got me thinking about something.


When my boyfriend is NOT erect, his penis is only 1 inch or maybe 1.5 inches in length, however when it is erect, it is anywhere from 5 to 6.5 inches long- depending on how turned on he is.


I just find it amazing that a limp penis of only 1 inch can "grow" to be up to 6.5 inches long! Its like going from nothing to really big!!


.....and to add to that......


GUYS---- who cares how big ur penis is when it is NOT erect? i mean, its just hanging there- all it does then is urinate and protect or be friends with ur balls, right?

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Men are so hungup on size.


They want to be able to split a woman in two when they have sex with her.


Do you really think this is going to happen? A vagina can stretch to the size of a baby, don't forget.


Have a look inside any sex shop and you will find that alot of the dildos are way bigger than ANY man's penis anyway.


Men with small penises have no need to worry. A woman can still feel it and it still feels good. Just be confident with what you have.


At least you won't give your woman a loose vagina!


Any woman who thinks your penis is too small probably just has a loose vagina.


There are always going to be woman out there who love men with big penises the same as there are always going to be men out there who prefer woman with large breasts.


If you are small, don't worry about this cos there are enough of us girls out there, who really don't care.

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At least you won't give your woman a loose vagina!


Any woman who thinks your penis is too small probably just has a loose vagina.


Erm.. that's not right at all. Women don't get loose from having sex with a big penis, the vaginal muscles expand to let the penis in and then contract back to their normal size after.


I've been with guys with really small penises (like 4-5") and very decent sized ones (ie: my current squeeze who's 8.5") and trust me... IMO, bigger is better. Much better.

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It seems that the men have abandoned this post. Some of the posts made me laugh, but I have to agree size does not matter.

A man who treats me with respect and genuine concern for my well being is going to turn me on more than a man with a huge penis whose only concern is how "big" he is.

I hope the men are taking notes. Good posts from all the women here.

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There really is no reason (for me at least) to obsess about the size of my member. It is what it is, and I use it to the best of my ability. So far no complaints, and many compliments. I know I have far from the biggest, and to be honest have never tried to messure it. I would guess it is approx. 5 - 6" but of decent width. I think width may be a more important factor. I would guess it is around 3" in diameter, again never messured, but I know my (EX)wife tried to be funny one day and slip a paper towel roll over it and it wouldn't fit. Whether that is average or not who knows..


Use what you got, at the end of the day you have to be happy with it, you have no choice.

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I hope it was more like 3 inches in circumference, not diameter, if its diameter u would end up doing them an injury down there . Although 3 inches in circumference is small, and if u think its wide, its surely more than that

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I was just wondering how you got this to be a "sticky" post? I want to post something that I know will require lots of time to get enough answers. So, what do I have to do?


Talk to Avman or another administrator. I asked about this only because since I have been here this question keeps reappearing over and over. Hence I asked if I could do a quick sticky topic to briefly sum it out and help all the curious/worried people out there.


If u want to anymore help from me, pm me. Don't want the subject to get off topic here

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Just have a quick question here, is about an 1' 1.5' thick big for circumference?


I think people are getting confused here between circumference and diameter. Diameter is 2d, the straight measurement from 1 side to the other. Circumference is 3d and is the measurement all the way around. Use a piece of string or something to find your size out for this.


As the results have shown, the average adult circumference when erect is 5.1 inches.

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