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Feeling incredibly needy, is that normal?

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I haven't been right at all since my girlfriend broke up with me about 2 months ago. The weird thing is, at first I was actually better than I am now. I was upset, shocked and crying but that's normal at that point and even then I was able to look at the positives (at least it was fun for a while, ill find someone new someday, im glad we're moving on) but then as the days passed, I got more and more desperate and any little contact she had with me got my hopes up, even if it wasn't supposed to. I just wanted any sign that she still cared.


Now I feel like it's gotten worse and it's starting to go to OTHER girls, like anytime a girl voluntarily contacts me, I think she might be into me, but thats completely irrational I know, but part of me is like "I really need someone right now" and not just a friend. I need someone to hold hands with and talk to in a serious way. Is it normal to feel like this? Its way too soon for me to date again, because I still have feelings for her, but my confidence has been dying lately, even though it's been longer since the breakup. I feel like shes never coming back and could care less about me, even though she contacts occasionally but I feel like it's out of pity because she feels bad and not because she has any interest in seeing me again. I feel like if another guy showed interest in her, she'd be all over it, or at least see him, so why do I feel horrible about doing the same? My friend has even tried to fix me up with a couple girls and I don't even get to the actual date, I just start talking to them and I'm like "its nice to see someone interested in me, but I just can't fee the same way" but I really want to. I really need someone, and I don't know why. Im normally not like this but she made me like this, because she got me used to having such a great girlfriend and now she's just deserted me, I feel like.


I'm not saying she shouldve stayed in the relationship forever, I dont know what Im saying sometimes, but I wanted to know if anyone's felt this way. I hate feeing so needy and pathetic

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I can't tell you whether it is normal. But you are not alone.


Both times ex and I broke up, I was like "good." I want this too!! After the reality of it all starts to settle in, that is when it become a little harder to keep moving forward.


Today is the worst day for me since the breakup a month ago. You will have good days and bad days. Lonely days and days you just want to be alone.


Don't worry about other women, just concentrate on you. Women are not going anywhere and will be there when you are ready.

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I understand how you feel. It is hard when you miss someone - especially if you like to be in relationship. I know that everyday I miss the good of my partner. It is easy to sugar coat the bad and for that reason the loneliness is amplified. But you did split for a reason and part of the break up is the mourning period. We want to feel wanted again. And, we will. But it takes time. You are not alone.

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Bro, I'm in the same situation. My gf of 1.5 years broke up with me (was more or less consensual) and for the first two to three weeks I was okay. But then between the 1 month - 2 month time frame I was a damn wreck.


I tried anything and everything to get her back. And I did succeed for a month - we dated and things were great. However she inexplicably needed 'time' again.


So back to square one. I told her I'm going to give her a month break. She's a very attention craving girl if there ever was one and this will be harder for her than me.


I'm tired of mindless games with her ( she thrives on drama ) and I proved the last month we dated that I had changed for the better. Honestly though if she doesn't contact me before next month I will contact her like I said because at that point I would not be willing to put myself out on a limb again ( I went through probably a dozen rejections before we dated for a month then got rejected again).


My point is, even if you get another chance sometimes it's best just to accept things as they are. Three months is more than ample time apart.

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