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so what makes a guy less interesting?

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Hi, ladies!


Could you please list the three top things about a guy's style of conversation that (unfortunately) makes him LESS INTERESTING or IMPORTANT to you in the future? For example..


My friend can't stand guys (no matter how good they look, or the interesting things that they do) who brag about themselves..it's her number one pet peeve. She also tends to ignore guys who have no humor..and finally if a guy can't talk about things in common with her then it's bye bye.


Thanks! It would help out guys who've had difficultly steering away from conversations that are irrelevant.

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i really don't like guys who talk and act like they know what they are talking about when they really don't


when they won't look at my eyes when they are talking, it feels like they aren't being honest


and when they interrupt while im trying to talk, you know like something i say jogs their memory and then they just start talking

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The worst subjects of conversation for me are :


1. Sports, going on and on just to prove to themselves they are men


2. Talk about other women, actresses, strip clubs, women that walk by.


3. Talk about politics to show off.


4. Any kind of talking to show off. (guys who feel they have something to prove and are insecure)

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SFboi, thanks for asking...


1. Pummeling me with questions but not listening to my answers.


2. Talking about his problems, instead of his interests, on our first couple of dates.


3. Being generally uncertain of himself and motivated by fear of rejection.

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hey ,


your asking about guys right.. im a guy but for me, hanging out wit guy friends which


1) pretends to be somebody else

3) brags non stop (sometimes u cant even believe wat they're saying is true)


mostly , its the bragging that really bothers me . I prefer hanging out wit ppl who would just keep quiet if i had the choice .

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I think you're going to find too many different answers here to get a general idea of what's interesting and what's not. It's really up to the person you're talking to. Here are some of my thoughts about this:


1) If a person has interests, than they have that many more conversational topics to talk about. So, yes - if you are into sports, or have a hobby, I'd like to hear about it.


2) By the same token, balance out talking about yourself by asking her about her own interests.


3) Someone else said this: always have steady eye-contact. It's polite, shows you're interested, and gives the impression you're a fairly confident and trustworthy guy. There is nothing ruder than some guy talking to me while painting the room with his eyes over my shoulder the entire time. Guys that do this have a total lack of class. Period.


4) Humor - well yes, this is important. If you are a little too nervous to be humorous when talking to a new girl, try to pretend she's your little sister or something, and tease her/joke around with her a bit. (Don't overdo it, though).


Be an interesting person and you'll have interesting things to talk about. If you never read, are glued to the television or Playstation all the time, chances are you're not going to be that great of a conversationalist.

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