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Is it possible to get less frustrated?

im rly mad

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Almost everything I do frustrates me. A lot of things other people do frustrate me. When I get frustrated I get so upset that I can't do anything besides be pissed off and scream or have a tantrum (I'm 19, so its kind of scary/sad that I'm basically a 4 year old).


I've tried to meditate, but I get frustrated when I meditate. When I try learning something and I don't get it right away, I get really mad and try to keep doing it while I'm frustrated but that prevents me from getting any better.


I exercise and eat alright, I don't know what else I could really do to be less angry all the time. suggestions?

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Perhaps you are like me: You expect a lot of yourself and others. That's a lot of pressure constantly.


You might try going on a walk with an "open" focus, which is the opposite of trying to get something done or expecting something to go a certain way. "Open" focus is like having your mind as a blank slate, like a boat on the water letting the wind blow it here or there. If something catches your eye, attend to it -- a bird singing, the winds blowing through the leaves, the way the sun is shining on the ground. When you are no longer interested in it, move on, again with no particular purpose other than to allow your mind and senses to enjoy something, without the need to control or master it.

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I have felt that mostly when I do things I don't like. Like an awfull job or not meeting up with the people I want or not setting any boundaries or not managing my time right. Maybe it's an idea to change things around you a bit.

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Used to happen to me a lot. You have to just take a step back from whatever you're doing thats frustrating you and just get away, have a day dream, do something relaxing. Meditation I don't think works because you're sitting there in quiet - which gives you time to think...mostly about all the stuff that frustrates you lol.


If its because you expect more of people and they keep letting you down, that's what was doing it to me. I have little faith in most people. I always would say "what is going on? He shouldn't do 'that'," or "what is his problem, he should do this to us."


And you notice whats common in there? The word SHOULD. Its become a philosophy of mine that you can't use the word should. People aren't always going to do what you think they SHOULD do. It just won't happen, and you can't expect them to.


Just my 2 cents.

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