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Love of all types


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LOVE. Whether it be a friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, a parent figure or whatever...


When do you come to the realization that makes you say and feel, "I love you." What makes a person win you over? What is that moment that just takes over you and melts your heart?

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It really touches me when people in my life support me and understand me. I have a LOT going on in my life.


The two most supportive people in my life (also the ones that I love the most) are my boyfriend and my father. My father has stood by me when no one else has. He's been here for me for my darkest moments and my happiest ones. I owe a lot to him. He helped me grow into the person I am today. We have always been close.


My boyfriend just understands me. When I tell him something and then he tells me his thoughts about it, I never have to correct him or say "no no you misunderstood me". He is full of insight. When I need support or just a shoulder to lean on, he is always there. I can always count on him. I never have to worry about "weirding" him out or doing a "TMI", and nor does he worry about that with me.


I love them both so much!

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I'm very lucky to have such two special men in my life.


I'm so sorry to hear about your father! Oh gosh I don't know what I would do without mine. My boyfriend is much older than me (as well as my father, obviously ) and I worry about losing them in the future but I can't think about that right now.


I really do hope that you find someone to stand by you in the future...whether it be a boyfriend, parental figure, close friend, etc. I think love is very special but life is still special even when you're single. Even when you're not going through a rough time, just knowing that support is there is a wonderful feeling itself.

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