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Do girls like guys with earrings?


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Since my ex and I broke up, I thought of changing my style up a little.


I never really was the type to dress up all nice, I'm a laid back t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers type guy. Now that I'm single again and back on the market, I'm thinking of changing up my look. I need to go shopping some time for some nice clothes and start looking my best.


I was wondering what girls think of guys with earrings. If I do get my ears pierced, I would do both of my ears. The earrings wouldn't be TOO big. Something medium sized would be fine for me.

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I do like it and have liked it for a while now. I'm not really the type to care what other people think or feel about me but I just feel like that needs to change now that I'm single again.


The only problem is my parents. But I'm an adult now so I guess I shouldn't worry too much about it.

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I love guys with all different sorts of piercings and tattoos...its not a requirement, but just my style. I have a few myself.


If a guy looked more clean-cut and had 2 earrings in his ears, I'd be a little confused I guess. Most of the guys I know that have pierced ears also have them gauged (expanded) and have either their eyebrows, lips, or noses done or they are prone to tattoos. Body art, if you will.


If it is something you want to do and it doesn't cost you a job, go for it. Everyone has a different preference in what they like.

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Well, I am a clean cut guy. Tattoos I'm somewhat interested, perhaps on my upper arms so I can conceal it easily but I will hold off on that. You mentioned jobs which is another area of concern that I forgot to mention. I don't want my earrings to reflect on me negatively. I'd probably wouldn't wear them anyway to work but people would still be able to see the holes.

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Well luckily earrings on either sex are much more forgiving of all the piercings. And after a few weeks of healing time you are able to get clear plugs so they don't close up as early. People will still be able to see the holes but again, they are pretty forgiving.

I've known people with septum (the middle skin of the nose) piercings who were able to find work, and I myself held a job while wearing my lip ring. The ear lobes are harmless. I think you'll be fine

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I've worn 2 earrings in my ears since I was 13 and those age numbers are now reversed. Just small, plain silver hoops that wrap around the bottom of my ears. Not the exact same pair for 18 years, mind


My ex said she found it sexy, I've no idea what anyone else thinks and I don't really care! Maybe I'll take them out before I get to 40 but for now I don't even consider them being in, they've just become a part of me and my appearance.

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I guess you girls are right. Maybe it's the childish part of me that wants to get my ears pierced. I can't really see myself at 30 or 40 or older with earrings.


How long does it take for ears to close up? And will there always be a mark from where it was pierced?


I don't know about ear piercings closing up - I think if they've been pierced for a while they don't close up again. At least I've gone 3-4 months without earrings in a piercing that I have and it's stayed open just fine. You'll probably always have a mark, but it won't be particularly noticeable - I doubt people would really notice without you pointing it out.

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