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Do girls like guys with earrings?


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I have only my left cartilage pierced and honestly a lot of people don't notice, but those that do seem to like it. It is unobtrusive, but still there. Something to consider.


i like that idea.


studs/hoops are just a big turnoff to me. but every girl likes something different, so if you like it and wanna try it, go for it. if it's not working for you, just take em out. piercings are easy like that

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For me, it depends on whether the guy suits piercings or not, and also depends on the type of clothing he wears. It's important what kind of impression you give, because it can dictate what kind of girls you attract.


As long as you don't end up looking like that, you should be fine. I hope I don't get in trouble for this....

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Interesting thread.


I have both my ears pierced, had them that way since I was about 19. Over the last year or two, I haven't really worn them that much though. I just kind of grew out of them, although I wear them ocassionally. I don't understand though, why so many girls on this thread are against studs...if anything, those will be the most normal looking on guys.


I've always gotten compliments, my face suits my ears pierced.


I dont know...most girls Ive met love them. I think most girls on this thread would change their opinion if they had David Beckham walk up on them, and he has both his ears pierced with studs....

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For me, it depends on whether the guy suits piercings or not, and also depends on the type of clothing he wears. It's important what kind of impression you give, because it can dictate what kind of girls you attract.


As long as you don't end up looking like that, you should be fine. I hope I don't get in trouble for this....


Is that a product placement ad for hair gel or something? I kinda feel sorry for those guys, howver young they may be!


I've got my left ear lobe pierced since i was 13 years old, and wear a stud daily. Nothing negative has ever been said from it.


That said i'm also a bit of an enigma. I've got various tattos that cover my right arm but i'm the type you see wearing a tieless business shirt rolled up to the sleeves over jeans and yes, with my earring.

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Is that a product placement ad for hair gel or something? I kinda feel sorry for those guys, howver young they may be!


I've got my left ear lobe pierced since i was 13 years old, and wear a stud daily. Nothing negative has ever been said from it.


That said i'm also a bit of an enigma. I've got various tattos that cover my right arm but i'm the type you see wearing a tieless business shirt rolled up to the sleeves over jeans and yes, with my earring.



No, it's just a random party pic that ppl use to make demotivational posters. I cut off the captions because they're too mean... Those guys actually look fine if they don't have the Oompa Loompa tan.

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