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Is love and having soul mates real?


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I think its not that real because both love and soul mates don't last forever, it changes over time, I dunno. Isn't love suppose to stay the same no matter what comes and goes throughout life? Hmm confusing!

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Actually I believe true love is the kind of love that can change and evolve and survive the things that people go through in life.


A love that stayed the same, that's a fiction. The only way of preserving a love exactly the way it is, is to go out Romeo and Juliet style.


I love my boyfriend, and I'm looking forward to weathering life's changes with him. I don't expect us to love each other in exactly the same way when we get married as we do now - hopefully it'll get even better. Likewise when we have a baby, and as we grow old together. Our lives will change and we will change, but part of love is complimenting each other as that happens and being able to compromise and work together to make it keep being great, every day.

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Actually I believe true love is the kind of love that can change and evolve and survive the things that people go through in life.


A love that stayed the same, that's a fiction. The only way of preserving a love exactly the way it is, is to go out Romeo and Juliet style.


I love my boyfriend, and I'm looking forward to weathering life's changes with him. I don't expect us to love each other in exactly the same way when we get married as we do now - hopefully it'll get even better. Likewise when we have a baby, and as we grow old together. Our lives will change and we will change, but part of love is complimenting each other as that happens and being able to compromise and work together to make it keep being great, every day.


I love this post! My thoughts exactly.


Life has constant and unexpectec changes. The true love comes from being able to work with each other through those changes and keep the love alive no matter what life throws at you.

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@HouseKitten and Hersmudders


That was nice.


I think its not love when love can be changed into something which isn't lovely, like when love turns into hate or something negative. It definitely IS love if it changes into something more and more better or the changes are always positive, no matter what the situations in life around you are, at least the 'love' is always the same or if different- its something which has evolved to adapt to whatever is going on. Yeh i agree, it is something which compliments each other.


I also think if such a thing does exist, then its only the strongest who survive it, lucky people!

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It always feels like 'this is the one' when you're deep in love with someone


so how do you KNOW if he or she really is the one? I guess the simple answer would be, you will know for sure when after so and so many years you are still together and still happy.

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Love is real. Love is pretty obvious, I think. People are in these decades-long relationships and you can just TELL they're still in love... I mean, it's right there in front of you, how could you deny it? I love my girlfriend. It may or may not last forever, but that doesn't make it any less real.


Soul mate depends on how you define it. According to the dictionary it's just two people who have a strong affinity for eachother... which means just about any romantic relationship is with your "soul mate". Some people define it as the person you're destined to be with, to marry, etc., which I think is a load of crap. I'm not a fan of fate.

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The reality of these ideas is entirely dependant on how you define the terms. I don't believe in love as a magical special or unique feeling and I don't believe in a person you are destined to be with. I do, however, believe in love. I essentially define love as the place where high levels of mutual compatibility intersect with a conscious decision to take the relationship seriously, the latter being more key than the former. In many ways I believe that we must choose to love, any situation in which we "love" without making a conscious choice to feel that way and maintain that feeling is fleeting and not love at all. Left to flighty whims all emotions will fade with time.

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Love is with out a doubt real, I have been in love once in my life and I cant even truly explain how it feels. I used to think I know what love was because I fely strongly for someone but when love really happened it was insane. I didnt think it was possible to feel that much for another human being. Its been a crazy ride since she left too..lol


Soul mates however, are for fairy tails and romantic comedies.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The reality of these ideas is entirely dependant on how you define the terms. I don't believe in love as a magical special or unique feeling and I don't believe in a person you are destined to be with. I do, however, believe in love. I essentially define love as the place where high levels of mutual compatibility intersect with a conscious decision to take the relationship seriously, the latter being more key than the former. In many ways I believe that we must choose to love, any situation in which we "love" without making a conscious choice to feel that way and maintain that feeling is fleeting and not love at all. Left to flighty whims all emotions will fade with time.


I disagree with this, IMO there is no choice when it comes to 'love', if once you have 'fallen' for someone and it is returned back then there is NO choice to love or not love. All sense of reason goes out the window and the only option IS to love, in whatever way.

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Love is with out a doubt real, I have been in love once in my life and I cant even truly explain how it feels. I used to think I know what love was because I fely strongly for someone but when love really happened it was insane. I didnt think it was possible to feel that much for another human being. Its been a crazy ride since she left too..lol


Soul mates however, are for fairy tails and romantic comedies.


Haha I guess it has to happen for it to be truly believed in.

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I disagree with this, IMO there is no choice when it comes to 'love', if once you have 'fallen' for someone and it is returned back then there is NO choice to love or not love. All sense of reason goes out the window and the only option IS to love, in whatever way.


I don't think the feeling you're describing is love. The feeling you describe, if not maintained with deliberate care and effort, will fade.

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I don't think the feeling you're describing is love. The feeling you describe, if not maintained with deliberate care and effort, will fade.


I agree with Bismark. IMHO love is a choice. Real love is a decision and an act, not just a feeling. It is inevitable that passion and infatuation subsides after time, but that's where real love begins, when the infatuation phase is over.


Many people believe you "fall into" love, and you can't control it. I have to disagree. You may not be able to control attraction or chemistry, but love is so selfless, so much deeper, and something that requires effort.

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With the right amount of chemistry, energy and attraction I think you can find love in more than one person. When you really think about it, there's so many people in the world and so many places that you and I haven't been to yet. So you got love not only in America, but Canada, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia too. It's worldwide, it's everywhere, it doesn't just have to be within your particular region. Like, if we breakup or divorce and we think that's it, were just giving up on ourselves, cause you never know what else is out there and who else would be dying to meet you. Having said that, I do believe that a person can have more than one soulmate. I just prefer to have one soulmate at a time; I'm a one-woman kind of guy.

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